From Iceland — Hressingarskálinn


Published August 18, 2008

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It’s always a good sign when you walk into a restaurant and see an equal mix of locals and tourists.  This was exactly what I saw when I went to Hressingarskálinn, on Austurstræti, for what I was hoping to be a satisfying dinner. The atmosphere was as comfortable as my favourite coffee shop and diner in one, complete with a lovely outdoor patio. It was easy to see why it attracted such a mix of restaurant goers. This place was so laidback, and the staff so friendly, that if you came for a breakfast you might want to stay until lunch.  With free wireless internet, power outlets at almost every table and one of the best cappuccinos in the city, why wouldn’t you?
    The relaxed vibe is nice for the day but once the sun starts to go down, the mood becomes a bit more spirited with live music starting at 22:00 and running to 1:00 and then a DJ taking over until 6:00 Thursday through Saturday.
    If you’re more interested in satisfying your hunger than you are partying or hanging out, Hressingarskálinn ‘sdiverse menu will fill your belly no matter what your budget. From the Caesar salad with satay chicken and parmesan, to lobster pizza with garlic and mozzarella, it’s hard to decide what to choose. I ordered a broccoli soup in which the rich flavour backed up the elegant presentation nicely.  Then I was onto the special: catfish in a cream sauce with roasted potatoes and steamed vegetables.  These people know how to cook fish and with a glass of white wine, my meal was an experience in pleasure more than just an attempted at filling my daily nutritional needs.  Speaking of pleasure, I have to words for you: chocolate cake. Enough said.    
    Hressingarskálinn is the kind of place where you can eat like a movie star (Kiefer Sutherland did), or hang out like a college student. Either way you’re sure to have an enjoyable time. 

  • Where: Austurstræti 20 Reykjavik 101 Tel.:561 2240
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