From Iceland — Steinunn Jónsdóttir's Perfect Day In Reykjavík

Steinunn Jónsdóttir’s Perfect Day In Reykjavík

Published January 6, 2018

Steinunn Jónsdóttir’s Perfect Day In Reykjavík

Steinunn Jónsdóttir is a musician in Amabadama and RVKDTR. This is how she’d spend a perfect day in Reykjavík.

First thing in the morning?
I wake up early feeling fresh and rested. That’s not something that happens often because I tend to go to bed too late and wake up too early so I often start my days a bit sleep deprived. BUT, on a perfect day that wouldn’t be the case! I have a nice breakfast with my boyfriend and our four-year-old and then we go to Seltjarnarneslaug and enjoy the morning sun while soaking in thewater.

After the swimming pool I meet my gyals at Kaffi Iða. It’s a very nice cafe/bookstore downtown and they have happy hour on coffee till 10 every morning, so it’s the perfect meeting place for us because we are all students, artists or on maternity leave and need to save bills when we can. I’ve known these girls since we were teenagers, and although the reality of life has hit us and everyone is doing their own thing, we manage to make space for this mid morning coffee meeting once a week—and it’s very precious.

I go to the store and buy some hummus, avocado and hafrabrauð and take it home where me and Maggi have a quick lunch. We then go to the studio where Salka joins us and we record the best song we’ve made (yet), and it’s the last recording for Amabadama’s second album.

The sun is shining so I take my family for a walk along Kópavogslækur and afterwards we visit my father. He plays us some Indian tunes he just discovered through Spotify Discover Playlist and then we dance for a while. We like to dance a lot. My son is the best dancer I know, and I know many pretty good dancers.

I really like cooking, so I cook a nice dinner on this perfect day. Maybe a vegan version of my favorite soup that my mother used to make, which I’ve mastered now. It’s such a good soup. I invite my family and friends over and we eat and drink and listen to some good music.

Late at night?
After dinner I meet up with my favorite girls, Reykjavíkurdætur, and we do a crazy Beyoncé-style stadium gig with dancers and a lightshow and many outfit changes. I don’t really know where though. Maybe in Silfurberg or on the roof of Prikið. Afterwards we all go to Paloma for a RVK Soundsystem night and dance to some nice riddims with our eyes closed until the sun rises again.

Read more perfect days here.

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