From Iceland — Óskar Þór's Perfect Day In Reykjavík

Óskar Þór’s Perfect Day In Reykjavík

Published May 3, 2017

Óskar Þór’s Perfect Day In Reykjavík
Photo by
Art Bicnick & Nanna Dís

Oskar Þór is a sound engineer and a face-around-town, often seen playing an eclectic mash-up of music under the name DJ Z. Here, he tells us how he’d spend a perfect day in Reykjavík.

First thing in the morning:
There is no first thing in the morning—I’m usually sleeping until eleven. But the first thing I do is to make coffee. It’s always a slow pour, so I take my time doing that. I also try to make hummus two or three times a week, so my favorite breakfast place is here at home, with my girlfriend and two cats. Usually I listen to some cosy podcast while making the breakfast. If I’m in a good mood I get my bread from Brauð & Co. next door—their sourdough bread is a killer.

At noon:
After I messed up my ankle playing basketball, I needed a new sport, so me and my friend Emil play tennis a few times a week. Well, we try at least. It’s so much fun—I fell in love with the sport this winter and recommend it for everyone that needs a nice sport to play.

In the afternoon:
I usually have some work to do, at home, or at my studio Hljóðverk in Árbær where I do post-production. But it’s a perfect day fantasy, so I don’t have to work today. I’d rather have a long walk along Sæbraut. I have always been super attracted to the ocean—it calms me down. A hidden gem, close to Kirkjusandur, is Hrafn Gunnlaugsson’s garden. Hrafn has been collecting all sorts of sculptures over the years, and has made it into his own unique wonderland. I’ve never been yelled at by Mr. Gunnlaugsson, so I keep going there to enjoy the best view in Reykjavík. It’s perfect for meaningful conversations about life, death and cats. From there I would walk to Laugardalslaug for a swim and some relaxing hot tub/sauna chill. Then I would like to have some drinks at Kaffibarinn before dinner. It’s my home away from home.

For dinner:
I would go to Ban Thai. The food there is so amazing. By far the best Thai food in Iceland. My girlfriend and I always bring a small chess table with us, because you have to wait a while for the food, but it’s always worth it. If I was going out with friends, the pizza place at Hverfisgata 12 is a favourite—good food, nice staff, and the best cocktails. They also have DJs on weekends, and that’s always a good thing.

In the heat of the night:
If I’m not DJing I would start the night at Bravó. It’s the perfect place to have a beer and play some cards. Then usually I would go to Bar Ananas—they shake some of the meanest cocktails, and the vibe is good. I would probably end the night back at Kaffibarinn, where I dance and have more meaningless conversations about life, death and cats. If it were a Sunday, my absolute favourite would be “Svartir Sunnudagar” at Bíó Paradís—a Sunday film club that screens cult classics.

See DJ Z at the following dates: May 2 & 29, Kaffibarinn; May 4, Bravó, May 19, Hverfisgata 12. Read more Perfect Days here.

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