Author: Haukur Már Helgason - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Wages Rise 6.2% Last 12 Months


The wage index rose 6.2% in the last twelve months according to new, September-based, figures from Statistics Iceland. The real…

Jewish Iraqi Citizen On Hunger Strike


Protests negative ruling on asylum applicationOn Tuesday, a Jewish citizen of Iraq, first names Adam Ibrahim, declared a hungerstrike “until…

Music Teachers Strike


Music teachers are striking, since today, Wednesday. Negotiations A between the Association of Music School Teachers (FT) with the Association…

Bomb Squad’s 2003 Find Possibly Western Chemical Weapons


Dated chemical weapons found in Iraq kept secret due to US/European originsA team of Icelandic bomb squad technicians may have…

Pirate MP Defies ISNIC By Opening


ISNIC replies: Pulling down this domain would not serve its business interestPirate MP Helgi Hrafn Gunnarsson registered the domain Guð,…

Audiomilk And Book Mafias


The debates on Monday #6In short: Only the privileged few A large number of Icelandic books are available as audio…

ISNIC Cites Business Reasons For Closing Islamic State’s Domain


Manager was concerned about the reputation of .is-endingRÚV reports that Isnic closed the domain of militant group ISIS/Islamic State for…

STEF Demands All ISPs Block Torrent Sites


This morning, the collective rights management society STEF, demanded responses from ISPs Síminn, Tal and 365, as to whether the…

Board Rules Police Must Disclose Protest Report


Disclosure has been sought since early 2012Police must disclose a report on its organization during political demonstrations from 2008 to…

Business Alliance SA Opposes Shorter Workweek


Pirates and Coalition propose reduction from 40 to 35 hoursAlþingi members from the Pirate party and the Social-democratic Alliance, have…

The Disputed Benefits Of A Higher Food-Tax


ASÍ economist says lower-income families will be worse offAlþingi kept debating the budget proposal on Thursday. So far, what has…

Eimskip Stocks Drop After News Of Anti-Competitive Conduct


Eimskip and Samskip both deny allegations – Eimskip prepares legal action against coverageAfter RÚV’s Kastljós covered the Competition Authority’s investigation…

Minister Of Health Says “Of Course” He Did Illegal Drugs


And partied “absolutely out of control”, albeit only in AkureyriInterviewed by musician Unnsteinn Manuel Stefánsson for RÚV, Minister of Health…

Menntaskóli Shortened, Student Enrollment Limited


Opposition calls announced changes ‘short-sighted’Alþingi debated announced changes to Iceland’s secondary schools in a special session on Wednesday. The government…

Jón Gnarr To Write “A Human’s Guide to Politics” In Texas


While Writer-In-Residence At Environment Research CenterAs already reported, author, comedian and former Mayor Jón Gnarr has announced that he and…

The People Vs. Shipping Giants Eimskip And Samskip


Alleged Anti-Competitive Collaboration Referred to ProsecutorOn Tuesday, the Icelandic Competition Authority filed a complaint against eleven high-level employees of shipping…

Associate Professor Is Not LÍÚ’s Employee


Libel Case Verdict: Confusing Past Sponsor And Current Employer Cost A MillionFormer fishing operator Jón Guðbjartsson was found guilty of…

Demand For Municipal Income Support Grew In 2013


8,000 Recipient Households Make 4% Of PopulationStatistics Iceland (SI) report a 4% increase in the number of households receiving municipal…

Actual Food Costs 50% More Than Ministry Estimates


According To Report Cited By The Financial Ministry ItselfAs already reported, the Ministry of Finance has defended its proposal to…

Jón Gnarr Moving To Houston, Texas


Accepted Artist Residency At Rice UniversityJón Gnarr, comedian, author and former Mayor of Reykjavík, has announced his, and his family’s,… Removal Disputable


The Debates On Monday #5 —The ForecastIt’s another Monday and time to review last week’s debates. Briefly. In short, people…

The Milk Monopoly


Allegedly, a dozen differently labelled sorts of Icelandic cheese all taste the same. People have been in doubt about how…

Pirates Propose Guaranteed Basic Income


Would Eliminate Poverty And Reduce Social Security Expenses, Say MPsPirates have proposed a congressional statement, directing the Welfare Minister to…

Poltergeists Claim State Radio


Debates on Monday #4My field of vision must be limited and my perspective biased because it seems that the most…

Surgeons May Strike


Vote This Week After Failed NegotiationsAfter failed attempts at negotiations with State authorities, surgeons at the national university hospital Landspítalinn…