Author: Andie Sophia Fontaine - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Minister Dismisses Ministry Employee Requests For Independent Investigation


Minister of the Interior Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir has allegedly denied requests from ministry staff for an independent investigation of the…

Men Only Dinner “Undeniably Strange”


A men’s choir broke from tradition and did not invite the director of the Iceland Symphony Orchestra (ISO) to their…

Child Advocacy Group Objects To Gendered Children’s Products


Save The Children Iceland says that the marketing of some products for children reinforce gender stereotypes and, in some instances,…

City Councilperson Objects To “Military-Free” Reykjavík


A Reykjavík city councilperson for the Independence Party called Mayor Jón Gnarr’s vision of a military-free Reykjavík “confusing apples and…

Ruling Coalition Polls Highest In “Law And Order”


A new poll shows that support for Iceland’s political parties varies greatly, when those surveyed are asked to rank them…

WOW Air Will No Longer Be Going To The US


Plans to start flights to Boston this summer have been put on ice. RÚV reports that WOW Air has canceled…

They Said What?


The great thing about being important enough that the media hangs on every word you say and write is that…

NASA Measuring Iceland’s Glaciers


The US space institute NASA will be measuring the movements of Iceland’s glaciers, starting this week. RÚV reports that NASA…

LGBT Rights Groups Tells Minister To Send Message To Sochi Olympics


Two LGBT rights groups have encouraged Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Illugi Jökulsson to “hold aloft the banner of…

Students Show Support For Teachers In Wage Dispute


A group of secondary school students are organising a demonstration in front of parliament tomorrow to show their support for…

Rabbits Will Be Shot


A city official has confirmed that, if municipalities are allowed to reduce Iceland’s invasive rabbit population, the first method to…

Iceland Sends 16.6 Million ISK To Syria


Both the church and state have sent aid to help the displaced within and around Syria. Vísir reports that the…

Calls For More Funding For Icelandic Classes


A municipal official from Akureyri contends that placing sole emphasis on increasing funding for interpreters will not help immigrants integrate….

About One Third Refused To Donate Organs


When it comes to the the question, “Do you want to donate your organs?”, there is a distinct discrepancy between…

Majority Unhappy With Prime Minister’s Performance


Only 38% of Icelandic voters say they are pleased with the work Prime Minister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson has been doing….

Rabbits To Be “Removed” From Iceland


Rabbit populations are reaching a level that calls for their complete extermination or very strict population controls, municipal officials contend….

State Prosecutor Requests More Information From Interior Minister


Six weeks after the formal request has made, the State Prosecutor is now asking for more documentation on a leaked…

Most Icelanders Want Vote On Finishing EU Talks


A new poll shows that most Icelanders, regardless of political party, want a referendum on whether or not to complete…

Iceland’s Immigrants Experience Frequent Prejudice


The results of a new poll show that almost all foreigners in Iceland say they have experienced some form of…

Iceland Approves Free Trade Agreement With China


There was much celebration in parliament over the decision, but not every MP was on board. Vísir reports that former…

The White-Tailed Eagle: 100 Years Of Protection


One of Iceland’s most celebrated birds of prey, the white-tailed eagle, was first officially protected 100 years ago this year….

MP Wants Answers About Whale Beer


Social Democrat MP Mörður Árnason has submitted several questions to the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture about Hvalabjór, a beer…

Radio Times Readers Vote Iceland Top TV Setting


The results are in, and of all TV Land’s best and brightest, one location stood out as the favourite of…

Women’s Shelter Gets More Beds


A Reykjavík shelter for homeless women received a gift of new beds, for which one donor said there was “an…

Debate In Parliament Over Asylum Seeker Memo


Minister of the Interior Hanna Birna Kristjándóttir was on the defensive in parliament today, as numerous MPs requested an independent…