Author: Andie Sophia Fontaine - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Police: Alcohol And Mopeds Don’t Mix


A man was arrested last night for riding an electric moped while under the influence of alcohol, and was charged…

No Oslo Christmas Tree For Iceland


For the first time since 1951, Iceland will not receive a giant Christmas tree from Norway, on account of the…

University Teachers’ Strike Discussed In Parliament


As university teachers are set to vote on a strike tomorrow, the matter has not fallen on entirely deaf ears…

Uni Teachers Negotiations “Going In The Right Direction”


Negotiations between the Association of University Teachers (FH) and the government are taking an optimistic turn, the FH chairperson says….

Court Rules Admission Charges At Geysir Illegal


The South Iceland District Court has ruled that it is against the law for private actors to charge admission to…

Ship Containing Whale Meat Turned Away From South African Port


Greenpeace claims a ship carrying 2,000 tonnes of fin whale meat was scared off from Durban Harbour, due in part…

Mother Tongue Classes Inconsistent


Students of different nationalities have inconsistent access to mother tongue classes, and some parents report that teachers force immigrant children…

Polish Store Reopens After Fire


With a little help from friends and family, Piotr Jakubek reopened his Polish Supermarket in Breiðholt this weekend after a…

Undocumented Work In Tourist Industry On The Rise


The number of workers being employed illegally by companies in the tourist industry has been on the rise. Sigríður Mogensen,…

Grade School Teachers Possibly Next To Strike


There is a possibility that primary school teachers could go on strike next month, although it has not yet been…

First Strike Paralysed Air Traffic


The first of four half-day strikes at Iceland’s airports just finished, paralysing air traffic coming in and out of the…

Most Icelanders want “Humane Whaling”


The vast majority of Icelanders polled believe whale hunting should be done “humanely” – although there does not as yet…

Private Interests Behind Legal Gambling Bill


The MP who recently submitted a bill calling for the legalisation of gambling told reporters that the inspiration for the…

University Teachers To Vote On Strike This Week


The Association of University Teachers is set to vote on a strike on April 9. If approved, the strike would take place…

Flag Design Contest Brings Police Attention


A flag display in front of Reykjavík City Hall was initially thought to be in violation of Iceland’s existing flag…

Opposition Out-Polling Coalition Leaders


Support for the Progressive Party is now lower than support for two parties in the opposition. Meanwhile, the Independence Party…

Conservative Chair: “You Ain´t Seen Nothing Yet”


Independence Party chairperson Bjarni Benediktsson had a lot to say about the EU and his party’s proposed tax cuts, and…

Tables Begin To Turn For City Elections


Polling indicates that levels of party support in upcoming municipal elections are shifting. According to a new poll, MBL reports, most respondents…

Reykjavík To Take Part In “Earth Hour”


The city of Reykjavík will not turn on any street lights until 21:30 on Saturday, in honour of Earth Hour….

Red Cross Criticises Ministry Foreigners Bill


  A new bill proposing an “appeals committee” for immigrants and asylum seekers has been criticised by the Red Cross…

Donate your Shoes!


The Red Cross of Iceland is encouraging people to donate their old shoes. RÚV reports that the special donation drive has…

No Longer Free To Shop Through Amazon


Icelanders will no longer be able to enjoy free delivery from Amazon. RÚV reports that Icelanders have for a long time…

Icelanders Nordic Champions At Sleeping Pill Use


Icelanders use two to three times more sleeping pills than people of other Nordic countries. The Directorate of Health believes…

Government Support Continues To Fall


Support for the ruling coalition of the Independence Party and the Progressives has dropped by about 5% in only the…

Laugavegur To Close For Longer This Summer


Reykjavík’s main thoroughfare will be closed to car traffic again this summer – but for a longer stretch than before….