From Iceland — Don't Ask Nanna: About Where To Party

Don’t Ask Nanna: About Where To Party

Published October 30, 2015

Don’t Ask Nanna: About Where To Party
Nanna Árnadóttir
Photo by

Dear Nanna,

I’ve been with my boyfriend for five years and we’re talking about marriage, but I’m also kind of thinking about breaking up. To be honest at this point it’s probably the same amount of work either way. What should I do?


Dear Love-and-Marriage?

Have you thought about having a baby? That seems like a healthy compromise.



Hi Nanna,

What’s the best Halloween party in Reykjavík this weekend?

Huge fan!


Dear Animal,

Why would I tell you? I don’t know you.

Bye Felicia,


Dear Nanna,

I’m getting married in Iceland next June and my fiancé and I are really stoked. The wedding pictures alone will be epic.

But last week a really close friend of mine announced she’s getting married the same month as me. Not in Iceland mind you, but in June next year I mean.

I get that June is a really popular month for weddings but she’s known I wanted to get married in June next year (06. 06. 2016) forever and it just seems a little inconsiderate.

Should I confront her with how I feel?



Dear Bride-to-be,

The nerve! To plan a wedding in the same month that you and millions of other couples the world over are planning their weddings?

I think you should punish that presumptuous bitch with your absence and not go to her wedding. That way you can passive aggressively remind her that not everything is about her and what she wants.

Congratulations on your engagement by the way, I have a good feeling about you guys!


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