From Iceland — Ultra Modern Fairy Tale

Ultra Modern Fairy Tale

Published January 18, 2015

Birgitta Jónsdóttir, Pirate Party MP, Poetician, chair of IMMI

Ultra Modern Fairy Tale
Photo by
Julia Staples

Birgitta Jónsdóttir, Pirate Party MP, Poetician, chair of IMMI

I LOVE crisis. It is the only time where we as individuals, and we as a society, get the power boost to achieve fundamental transformative changes. We nearly managed to get some serious changes through a new constitution written by and for the people of Iceland. However, those in power during the last term failed to understand the urgency of acting swiftly, for the window for real changes is usually very short during times of crisis.

Our transformation is stuck in a Sleeping Beauty coma, and the nation has not realized that its wet (r)EVOLutionary kiss is the only thing that will awaken the fair princess. All of a sudden we are out of the fairy tale, straight into the full-on zombie apocalypse. All the oldies are back in power due to the sleepwalkers’ fairy dust of cheap election promises.

The current situation in Iceland is so bad that a new crisis of some sort is unavoidable, hopefully this year, before the octopus zombies take over everything again.

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