From Iceland — Stuff We Like!

Stuff We Like!

Published January 5, 2010

Stuff We Like!

Since we are embarking upon an exciting new year of Grapevines, we thought we’d have some fun and invite you folks to choose your favourite GV cover of 2009. There are prizes involved and everything!
As you know, we put out issues pretty much every month. Well, every month. Twice a month during the summer. That’s a whole lot of issues – in fact, it amounts to a full eighteen issues a year we publish.
And – whaddayaknow – every single one of them has some sort of cover image or illustration (or anything else that’s fit to print). These covers usually look pretty sweet in our humble opinion – why wouldn’t they? Our awesome team of designers, photographers and illustrators usually put a lot of work into them. You get what you give and all that.
Looking back on 2k9, we are especially pleased  2009’s crop of covers. But we can’t decide which one is our favourite. Which is where you good people – and some frickin’ awesome prizes – come in.
See, we went and scored some sweet prizes from our friends in the tourist industry. At the time of writing, we cannot fully disclose what they are. But one of them entails a free Golden Circle tour, courtesy of the good people Iceland Excursions! There’s more, too (and don’t worry – if you’re not around to collect your prizes anytime soon, we can hold ’em for ya until you next reach our crooked shores).
Here’s how you submit to win fun prizes and help us pick THE BEST FRICKIN’ GRAPEVINE COVER of 2009!

  1. Go to our Facebook page –
  2. Befriend (or befan? huh?) us there, if you haven’t already.
  3. Look at this here photo album. It has all the covers of 2009 in it.
  4. Comment YOUR CHOICE for cover of 2009 on our wall.

We’ll let you know if you won, and what you won, pretty soon. In a week or so.
Get on it, y’all!


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