From Iceland — Stuff We Like!

Stuff We Like!

Published November 27, 2009

Stuff We Like!

It started snowing in Reykjavík this morning. This, of course, is a reason to celebrate.
Many folks would disagree with us. They would maybe claim that snow is cold and annoying, and that they hate having their shoes ruined by it.
We disagree with those folks that disagree with us. While snow is indeed cold, it does bring untold warmth to Reykjavík (and all of Iceland) in the dead black deadness of winter, where you wake up in the dark, go to work in the dark, go for lunch and it’s sort of light out (but the light is rapidly fading) and it’s dark when you go home.
Snow reflects light of all kind and thus exponentially increases the brightness around us. Streetlights, xmas decorations and other light sources are all magnified by the snow. This is a good thing.
Of course, there can be too much of a good thing. Sometimes snow makes it hard for folks to get around. And it gets all melty and dirty and your socks are wet all winter long. These are some of the drawbacks of living with snow in Reykjavík.
And it can get too cold. The weather forecast for Reykjavík next week says it’s going to be -12°C on Tuesday. That is, frankly, too cold. But one can always bundle up if one is afraid of getting too cold. Or call in sick and order pizza. Or something.
Anyway. It’s snowing in Reykjavík. That’s awesome. Let it snow. Please.

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