From Iceland — Stuff We Like!

Stuff We Like!

Published August 31, 2009

Stuff We Like!

We’re cultured folk here at the Grapevine so it should come as no surprise that we sure do like some inventive theatrical performances – especially if they involve knock-down inter-gender fights, aggression, growling, sex, faux-orgasms, greed, hoarding and a killer soundtrack. That’s why we like (bordering on love) Humanimal so damn much.
The non-Icelandic-speaking contingent of our fine magazine checked out the Icelandic-language showing of Humanimal some months ago and raved about it. We can only imagine how overcome with wonder and awe said contingent would have been had they understood even a single word of the dialogue.
If you’re a non-Icelandic speaking person and you’re looking for a theatrical performance that will make you laugh, cry, blush and stare with gaping mouth then get yourself over to Hafnarfjarðarleikhúsið on September 5th for a one-off showing of Humanimal in English. And once you’re blown away by the English performance see it again in Icelandic on the 10th, 11th, 18th and 19th and become their fan on Facebook and paper your room with their posters – you’ll want to. It’s that good.

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