From Iceland — Stuff We Like!

Stuff We Like!

Published July 13, 2009

Stuff We Like!

If you have been in or around the good city of Reykjavík these past
couple of days, you can surely agree that the weather has been all
sorts of fabulous. So fabulous, indeed, that working on articles inside
is a pain in the neck.
So you’re thinking, “Ah, this is one of their shallow “hey, look how nice our weather is!” articles they post on the super-rare occasion that Reykjavík sees decidedly un-shitty weather.” You are right in thinking that. This is indeed one of those articles. But, dammit, how can you not brag about this sorta climate once it finally rears its head?
So what is the point of this point then? Folks in Iceland will surely have noticed by now, and it’s not like folks out of Iceland that read this will all of the sudden hop on the next plane to Iceland when they read this. To that, we say: look outside. Look at the accompanying hot weather photos (by our own design-intern, Ms. Hailey Loman). Go outside, if you can help it.
Verbally appreciating things you like is never pointless. It lifts your spirits, and it contributes to the spirits of those around you. So go out and like the weather. Goddamn, it’s good.
A good place to appreciate the weather is that new suburban swimming pool in Mosfellsbær. We went there yesterday and it was swimlicious. Three different slides, a kiddie pool, an indoor pool. All sorts of family-types hanging around. It was like a technicolor scene from some idyllic version of the fifties. Look it up.

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