From Iceland — Stuff We Like

Stuff We Like

Published December 23, 2008

Stuff We Like
Binging on rotted skate on Þorláksmessa
(today, December 23) is one of Iceland’s most beloved – and
misunderstood – traditions. Many use it as an excuse to get hopped up
on Brennivín, so as to forget their many seasonal worries and finish
their Christmas shopping without resorting to any sort of rationality.
While this is of course all fine and dandy. However, Iceland’s most
seasoned rotted skate veterans and producers tell us that skate-fest
should involve nothing stronger than a glass of milk, as the fermented,
rotted deliciousness of the skate itself should be enough to get anyone
drunk. Any Brennivín and ale added to the mix only serves to dilute the
pure unfettered high provided by the lovingly aged flesh of the skate,
they say. And we believe ’em.
Check out any of the seafood themed restaurants in our restaurant listings to find a place to dine some skate today.
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