Sruli Recht is stirring up a storm in the world of online window shopping as Kanye West looks to purchase the local designer’s “Umbuster,” an umbrella with a brass knuckle handle.
According to Vísir, Sruli’s online catalogue has received over a million hits in the past 24 hours as his newest products, which include, in addition to the brass knuckle umbrella, a glove lined with jagged shark scales designed to decimate the wearer’s hand upon removal.
It was the commotion over the sharkskin glove that apparently roused the interest of Kanye West who recently contacted Sruli’s store to order his own custom-fit Umbuster. Sruli’s website warns, however, that potential clients should check with their local customs officials before ordering the product, as it could be mistaken for a weapon and subject to confiscation.
Sruli ran into the same problem here in Iceland, when the first copy of his finished product arrived and he was charged with weapons violation. The charges have since been dropped.
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