From Iceland — Police Bike Auction Today!

Police Bike Auction Today!

Published June 8, 2013

Have your heart set on some new used wheels to get around town on this summer? You’re in luck!
The Reykjavík police’s annual bike auction is happening this morning at 11 at the station at Vaka on Skútuvogi 8. The police will begin the auction with baby carriages and then move on to start the bidding on the more than 100 bicycles that have gone unclaimed from the police’s lost and found over the past year.
The auction is always well attended, RÚV reports, so if you’re angling for a good deal on a bike you should head over and devise some type of strategy, like standing in front of the bike you’re pining for and giving some serious cut eye to anybody who dare cast their gaze upon it.
More than 700 stolen bikes were found and taken in by police in 2012. Some are claimed by their rightful owners while others are sent to the lost and found department and are auctioned off if not claimed within a span of several months.
If you don’t want your bike (or baby carriage, since those are also stolen, it seems) ending up at an auction this time next year be sure to lock it up and keep the serial number on file for reference should the need arise to claim your goods from the cops.

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