From Iceland — Haukur's 19th Editorial

Haukur’s 19th Editorial

Haukur’s 19th Editorial

Published January 14, 2010

I have nothing to say for now.

There is enough editorialising in this issue already. Seriously, it’s packed – go read it. Like in our first issue of 2009, we tried to assemble a large cast of folks to comment on what just happened, and what it means for them.

The opinions expressed are not opinions of the Reykjavík Grapevine – a magazine can’t really have opinions, is the Grapevine’s opinion – but they are all honest opinions, formed by good, honest people. And they make for a damn good read.  Go find out for yourselves – the paper should contain enough material to keep you occupied well into 2011.

Now, I am going to go lie in some corner and whine about Icesave for a while.

Happy New Year, thanks for everything, keep on truckin’, free Mumia, jamming is brilliant; so long and thanks for all the fish.

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