From Iceland — Most Icelandic Livestock In Factory Farms

Most Icelandic Livestock In Factory Farms

Published April 28, 2011

The vast majority of the poultry, beef, pork and even lamb eaten in Iceland comes from animals who grew up in factory farming conditions.
At a conference on Icelandic agriculture held at the Nordic House yesterday, RÚV reports, among the speakers was Oddný Anna Björnsdóttir, a representative of the Organisation of Organic Consumers. She brought to light that the greater majority of pork sold in this country comes from pigs who spent their lives in factory farms. All poultry comes from factory farms as well, as do 85% of the eggs sold here.
As the Grapevine previously reported, factory farming is a fact in Iceland. Oddný pointed out to attendees that while it is possible to buy organic lamb meat, this is the exception rather than the norm.
Oddný says that people are under the impression that Icelandic lambs are running around in the hills all their lives due to marketing. “People do not assume that the vast majority of this meat that we consume comes from animals that are raised in factory farms,” she said.
Organic meat and eggs are available in Iceland, although they are usually available at higher-end shops such as Hagkaup, and are typically more expensive than their factory-farmed counterparts.

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