From Iceland — MP To Form Pirate Party

MP To Form Pirate Party

Published July 18, 2012

Member of parliament Birgitta Jónsdóttir, alongside others, plans on establishing Iceland’s version of the Pirate Party.
DV reports that Birgitta, working with programmer and activist Smári McCarthy among others, has now set her sights on forming the party with a primary platform focusing on freedom of expression and increased transparency.
Birgitta was also working on the formation of Dögun, a party comprised of members of The Civic Movement, The Movement, and the Liberal Party. Her attention has now turned to the Pirate Party, she says, because “I’m often crossing paths with nerds as I’m such a nerd myself. The Pirate Party doesn’t revolve around me. I’m just one of many who are creating the group.”
Birgitta said that the party will have no chairperson, and might not even have a list; i.e. candidates listed in order of preference to get into parliament based on people’s votes for individual candidates. When asked if she planned on running again for parliament, she said that she considered eight years the maximum that someone should be in parliament. Birgitta has currently served three.
Reykjavík mayor Jón Gnarr has reportedly also expressed an interest in taking part in the formation of the party. Not surprisingly, as he met with German members of the Pirate Party last December.

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