From Iceland — Gunman Overpowered After Siege In Árbær

Gunman Overpowered After Siege In Árbær

Published December 2, 2013

A man opening fire from his apartment in the Árbær neighbourhood of Reykjavík was arrested at his home early Monday morning.
Police were called to the man’s apartment building where he was reported shouting threats and waving a gun in his home.
Other residents in the building were taken to safety at a nearby church.
The man fired his gun several times during the night and he shot at police as soon as they arrived outside the building. One policeman suffered injuries, mbl reports.
An eyewitness told Mbl that the man could be seen through a window, lying in his bed with a gun. Shots could be heard while the interview was underway. Another recorded the gunshots.
After a two hour siege, police threw a smoke bomb through a window of the gunman‘s apartment and managed to overpower him.
UPDATE: The gunman died at Landspítali hospital, having suffered gunshot wounds, according to The man was reportedly in his fifties.

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