From Iceland — 10,000 Have Already Signed Björk’s Petition

10,000 Have Already Signed Björk’s Petition

Published July 22, 2010

According to a press release from Smekkleysa (Bad Taste), around 10,000 Icelandic citizens have signed the petition against the selling of Iceland’s energy resources. This petition will eventually be delivered to the Alþingi.
Björk presented this petition only 3 days ago at her press conference at the Nordic House. She urged for an open and critical debate about the Magma Energy issue, as it has now become a test case for the future of Iceland’s energy and resource policy. As a result, the petition at has accumulated thousands of signatures.
The petition reads: “I urge the authorities to stop the sale of HS Orka and for Alþingi to hold a national referendum on the ownership and the utilisation of our energy resources.”

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