this day in icelandic history — The Reykjavik Grapevine %

Vinstrihreyfingin–Grænt Framboð (“The Left-Green Movement”) Interviewed


1.    Briefly describe your party’s general agenda in one sentence. Our movement is to the left and green—we emphasize equality…

Húmanistaflokkurinn (“The Humanist Party”) Interviewed


1.    Briefly describe your party’s general agenda in one sentence. The party’s agenda is to prioritise the human being before…

Hægri Grænir, Flokkur Fólksins (“The Right Green People’s Party”) Interviewed


1.     Briefly describe your party’s general agenda in one sentence. XG is a conservative, green, people’s party. We are libertarians…

Flokkur Heimilanna (“The Household’s Party”)


1.     Briefly describe your party’s general agenda in one sentence. The Household’s Party, X-I, will tackle the most pressing economic…

Dögun (“Dawn”) Interviewed


1. Briefly describe your party’s general agenda in one sentence. Dögun fights for justice, fairness and democracy, as mandated in…

Björt Framtíð (“Bright Future”) Interviewed


1.    Briefly describe your party’s general agenda in one sentence. Björt framtíð wants to change politics and introduce a more constructive,…

Alþýðufylkingin (“The People’s Front of Iceland”) Interviewed


An unprecedented number of political parties plan on running in the upcoming parliamentary elections. But who should we trust to…

Not The Knee-Jerk Reaction – Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl on Illska


Raised in Iceland by Lithuanian parents, Agnes is a history student writing her thesis on today’s right wing populism and…

Heat + Dirt + Pressure = Destruction: The Diamond Version Interview


In 1996 musicians Olaf Bender and friend Frank Bretschneider got together to make the German music label Rastermusik as a…

Hannes Smárason Seeking 60 Million ISK From Failed Bank


Hannes Smárason, former CEO of FL Group, Icelandair, Glitnir, and former executive at deCode Genetics, is demanding that the winding-up…

Later Days!


Well it certainly has been a fun ride. After ten years of contributions and four years of daily news, I’ve…

Understanding The Icesave Ruling


Iceland won in EFTA court, and the reaction here has been decidedly jubilant. As reported earlier today, the court of…

If You Screen It…


Iceland, as you may have gathered, is a small island nation in the middle of the North Atlantic, a fact…

A Misspent Star Wars Childhood


As I sit down in Harpa’s Eldborg hall to listen to the Iceland Symphony Orchestra play the music from Star…

Sounds From The Kitchen


It’s been said that a person’s home is their castle, but that may not be entirely true. In the words…

And A Ptarmigan In A Pear Tree


Every year, nearly five thousand people flock to the mountains of Iceland to hunt rock ptarmigan, a medium-sized grouse commonly…

A Very Brief History Of Icelandic Literature


When he was at Leeds University in the 1920s, J.R.R. Tolkien formed a drinking club where he and his fellow…

Of Monsters And Men Take Manhattan, The Rest Of The U.S.


Of Monsters and Men are Iceland’s biggest new band in years—and very likely the fastest rising stars of Icelandic music,…

Mývatn (‘For You Americans’ And Other Tourists)


One of the first stories our tour guide Logi tells us as we leave the Akureyri airport is about the…

Meteorologist Retorts


In response to claims made by the Minister of the Interior that no one was warned of poor weather which…

Exitmusic, Ólafur Arnalds Bewitch Airwavers At Norðurljós


Before I hear Monotown for the first time tonight, someone describes them to me as sounding “like an ABBA B-side”….