word of the issue — The Reykjavik Grapevine %

How to Conduct Your Icelandic Christmas


Even though most western nations are by all accounts becoming more mind-numbingly culturally uniform by the minute, there are still…

Nordic Gods Alive in Reykjavik


Jörmundur Ingi, a real-life modern druid, is head of the Reykjavikur Goðar, one of two officially recognized Pagan associations in…

The Real Face of Icelandic Music


How would you go about explaining Bubbi Morthens to an outsider? Lets start with a few facts. He is the…

War is a Priority Consideration – Peace a Secondary


Professor Kit Christensen of Bemidji State University in Minnesota holds a doctorate in philosophy from Purdue University. His main academic…

Sour Grapes


First off, we have two letters from this cat called Roy. Hi, Stefán Pálson is probably right.. Think about all…

The First Brave Step


In September, the Kjalarnes deanery of the national church of Iceland held a conference titled Peace and Conflict Resolution. Present…

Connecting Through Music


Musician Will Oldham – sometimes known as Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy – has in the past decade or so proved to…

Independent and Persistent Nation Seeks Political Leaders


Recently I heard someone say that retired politicians were their own partys’ worst nightmares. In the case of Jón Baldvin…

Look Out, Reykjavík!


If you read the last issue of the Grapevine, well, you’re probably not alone. Ever since I arrived in Iceland…

Perfectly Brutal Exports


Last issue, the Grapevine’s own featured cartoonist, Hugleikur Dagsson, gave us an enormous map with Icelandic horses abusing each other…

Things You Should Do in Iceland Before You Die… or Turn 31


I’ve been in Iceland three years, and have published about 250,000 words on the culture and tourism industry here. You…

Magni Surpasses Jesus Christ


Religion comes to mind frequently when you watch Rockstar: Supernova, the reality television show that Icelandic country band singer Magni…

Martin Luther King, Jr. Was Wrong


Between my Icelandic language courses, the hours that I have spent at immigration, and my time hanging around downtown, I…

The Lonesome Traveller: Hornstrandir


Tourist-tailored representations of the country – so focused as they are in selling glaciers, hot springs and volcanoes – often…

Sour Grape


I gave you a quick glance on line before my visit to Iceland. I was planning on sending you a…

Political Change through Celebration


Most of the year, Gay, Lesbian and Transgender people are invisible to the population at large in Iceland. The Grapevine…

Happiest Nation on Earth


This June, Iceland found out that it was, indubitably, the happiest place on Earth – fuck Disney World, Iceland blows…

Sour Grape


Hi Grapevine Just wanted to send you few lines to tell you how much me and my husband love your…

Deep Political Thoughts. Keanu Reeves Deep.


As we were scanning the listings and PR statements on the atrocious movies being imported to this fair isle from…

From Newsman to Man on the News


Paul Nikolov has been a writer for the Reykjavík Grapevine for coming up on three years. This July, he finishes…

Nýhil Poetry Bookstore


When you come to a nation that prides itself on maintaining almost 100% literacy for centuries, you expect poetry to…