word of the issue — The Reykjavik Grapevine %

On Karl Marx – Until Eternity Proves Him Wrong


All too frequently Marxist enthusiasts argue over a ridiculous question: Was Karl Marx an ordinary ‘philosopher’ or a divine ‘prophet’?…

Sour Grapes


Dear Editor, As the genealogical consultant in summer residence here at the Icelandic Emigration Center at Hofs� s, I was…

Sour Grapes


The Grapevine has received this open letter to City Council member Gísli Marteinn Baldursson, regarding a story from our last…

The Paradox of Gender Pay Gap


Perhaps you could begin by telling us a little bit about your research? I am an economist and I received…

Don’t be Afraid, God is Guiding You!


The last week of April, Lutheran ministers of the National church of Iceland held their annual synod in the town…

Sour Grape


Dear all, Góðan dagin! My name is Augustin, I live here in Iceland and some of you know who I…

The Fate Of Small Town Iceland


“You know what I think should be done about Flateyri? Nothing. Nothing at all. Not even a kilo of quota…

The Immigrant Representative


Maybe you could start by telling our readers how you came to enter Icelandic politics. The municipal elections in 2006…

Share Your Ancestors


Iceland’s genealogy is nearly done. “Finishing” a whole nation’s genealogy would be unthinkable in North America or Western Europe, where…

So, How Do I Like Iceland?


It’s a popular custom as well as a national joke to ask someone, “How do they like Iceland?” within the…

Sour Grapes


Dear Editor, Thanks for printing my letter in your Sour Grapes section. (I bitched about the local authorities taking their…

If No One Dares to Try, We Would Never Get Anything New.


Sigríður Dögg Auðunsdóttir has a stellar reputation as a journalist. In 2006, she was awarded for investigative journalism by the…

Esja, a New Peak in the Musical Landscape


In many ways, this is an unlikely union. The coalition of former GusGus frontman and now a successful solo artist,…

The Faroe Islands: Remote and Isolated, yet Oddly Familiar


Two days before our Friday departure to the Faroe Islands, my photographer asked, “Did you book a room yet?” “It…

Sour Grapes


Gabriele Gudbjartson writes “If you do say you are a believer, how well do your actions separate you from an…



In 1946 Halldor Laxness’ epic novel Independent People was published in America. The publication and the success of the novel…

From the Edtitor’s Chair


It is a new year, a time to wipe the slate clean. A time to start over. There is a…

The Stories That Shaped the Year


In the year that passed, these news stories stood out above others. Heavy Industry to Increase Despite Growing Opposition The…

Immigrants – Pandora’s Box in Iceland


I am really tired of a whole range of arguments that surround the debate on immigrants these days. Everybody knows…

Simply Speaking


Silence is golden; however, living in a world with nothing but that can be the antithesis of anything bright and…

Faulty Logic, Half-truths and Innuendos


“The issue of immigration as such needs to be discussed. We need to decide how we prepare Icelandic society to…