word of the issue — The Reykjavik Grapevine %

Track Of Issue: Myndra’s “Distant Lover”


The first 20 seconds of “Distant Lover” give little insight into its edgy, restive and bittersweet nature, but wispy, fluttering…

The Wolf Of Borgartún


Jordan Belfort Teaches A Room Full Of Icelanders How To Sell“Fuck the bankers who stole my money.” “Fuck the bankers…

So Long Jakob!


The rise and fall of Svarta Kaffið’s controversial mascotSvarta Kaffið (“The Black Coffee”) on Laugavegur has been a fixture of…

News In Brief


We’re #1! We’re #1! At what, you ask? Did Iceland finally win Eurovision? No—that hasn’t happened yet (and honestly, our…

Plate Shifting, Wall Busting


If I didn’t know any better, I would say that the main purpose in the professional life of Tectonics curator…

“It Doesn’t Have To Be Warm To Be Exotic”


The songs on My bubba’s new album, ‘Goes Abroader,’ were written during the long, dark nights of a Scandinavian winter….

Pay Per View

by , , , , and

Icelanders put a price tag on their nature for the first time, everIn June last year, something unprecedented happened here…

Business As Usual For Icelandic Whalers


CEO of Icelandic whaling company Hvalur H/F says that it’s business as usual for whalers in Iceland and that Obama’s…

So What’s This Silly Talk In Parliament I Keep Hearing About?


Politicians say the darnedest things. That has been true at least since their words were commonly recorded in hieroglyphics. For…

Sour Grapes And Stuff: Issue 2


Most Awesome Letter Dear john gnarr, (Great photo!) I enjoyed your address in ‘the grapevine’ on the life of Jesus…

Joint Lawsuit Against Vodafone


An association of claimants has been founded to file a joint lawsuit against Vodafone, reports RÚV. Last year the text messages, passwords…

Year In News: 2013


January The year started with a number of dubious predictions from the outside world—for one, that Iceland was “a seething…

State Prosecutor Demands Answers From Interior Minister


The State Prosecutor has asked the Ministry of the Interior to account for a leaked memo that falsely impugned a…



Musician Arnþrúður Ingólfsdóttir—AKA Adda—has of late gained quite a reputation for her soulful, personal (to the point of confessional) and…

News In Brief: November


With the holiday season upon us, it’s time for a little old fashioned Icelandic hospitality. It seems that visitors from…

Giving Life To The Walking Dead


In order to raise the dead, wait until midnight on a Friday or Saturday, preferably on the 18th, 19th, 28th…

The Friendliest Little Crime Fest In Reykjavík


Going into its first year, Iceland Noir, the first ever Icelandic literary festival dedicated exclusively to crime fiction, has already…

Kid’s Yogurt Called “Garbage”


A former Social Democrat politician has some choice words about the “kid’s yogurt” being sold in Icelandic stores. Vísir reports…

A Note On Replication And Adaptation


Apparently there has been some controversy — and some misunderstanding — regarding my recent comment about certain Icelandic bands and…

About 70% Support Entrance Fees For Natural Sites


About 70% of Icelanders support the idea of charging fees to visit some of Iceland’s natural wonders. As reported, land…

Getting Fucked Up Is A Beautiful Experience


Apparently Björk went to see Omar Souleyman instead. She made the wrong choice.