From Iceland — Airwaves Tipsters: Daði Freyr

Airwaves Tipsters: Daði Freyr

Published October 15, 2017

Daði Freyr captivated Iceland with his geek-chic electro-pop in the Icelandic Eurovision finals. While he didn’t win, the dark horse—complete with synchronized dancing and pixilated sweaters—put on a performance that has been talked about ever since. Whatever he’s got planned for Airwaves, it’s bound to be as iconic. We sat down with the artist to hear what acts he’s most looking forward to at Airwaves 2017.

Moses Hightower
First of all I have to mention Moses Hightower. They have been one of my favourite bands since I first heard them but I have only seen them once in concert. Their new album is amazing and I know they are going to deliver.

Sykur have been a huge influence of mine and I am excited to hear their new material. It’s been a while and I am getting impatient. I need some Sykur in my life.

Norwegian Sigrid
The Norwegian Sigrid is probably going to be a good party. I have only heard two of her songs but they are so catchy, and I like her attitude.

dj flugvél og geimskip
dj flugvél og geimskip is fascinating to me. I have only seen her play live with her band Skelkur í Bringu and that is really an experience.

JóiPé X Króli
I also have to see JóiPé X Króli. It is really incredible how they took the Icelandic music scene by storm in such a short time. I like their vibe and I hope it translates to their live shows. General good times.

Read more about Airwaves here.

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