Author: - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Congratulations Iceland!


I am a big fan of Silvía Nótt. I think she is without a doubt the best we could put…

Not a Kilt in Sight


With an American espresso franchise on every corner, Princes Street – Edinburgh’s main shopping district – is a fine testament…

Graffiti – A Half a Billion ISK Industry


Deep inside the city’s bureaucracy, a man is concocting a plan. He has been given the task of eradicating graffiti…

The Insurgent Farmer


In August 2004, the Reykjavík Grapevine brought you the story of farmer Guðmundur Ármannsson at Vað near Egilsstaðir. At the…



Contrary to popular belief, sushi does not actually mean “raw fish”, but rather “with rice.” This was among the many…



We should make no bones about it, whenever you eat a sandwich and the grease keeps running down your fingers,…



Hressingarskálinn, or Hressó as it is commonly referred to by the locals, is actually more of a café than a…

Radical Theory, 30 Kilos at a Time


Sigurður Harðarson, aka Siggi Punk, is a man on a mission. If he weren’t an anarchist, you might even call…

Entertain Us


Slightly exhausted on the last day of Christmas, the Grapevine made it out to Laugardalshöll for a corporate-sponsored, all ages…

The Critic


The most popular comedy program in the country, the comedy troupe behind the show Spaugstofan recently celebrated 20 years working…

Political Philosophy 101


Recently, I had the pleasant opportunity to study the Ethical Guidelines for Icelandic ournalists. Generally, ethical guidelines (also referred to…

The Most Complete Laugavegur Store Review Ever


{Red Green}A Sporty lifestyle wear for both sexes from the Danish Red Green label. Scandinavian influences are apparent with wool…

Unfinished Business for Parliament


Last month, Thelma Ásdísardóttir appeared in interviews with Morgunblaðið and Kastljós respectively. Her interview put the issues of domestic violence…

Tattoo City


“In Sweden, there are about 250.000 people for every tattoo artist,” says Svanur, the owner of Tattoo & Skart, a…

The Grapevine Summer Special


The Grapevine will say good-bye to winter, April 23, the eve of the first day of summer, with a spectacular…