Author: - The Reykjavik Grapevine

19. Hædin


Nineteen floors up in the air is high enough so that you have to pop your ears on the elevator…

For a Minor Reflection


Iceland Airwaves is fast approaching. The line up is complete, so now it is time to start planning what to…

Rock Stars in the Making


Endless Dark had just finished their part in warming up the very moderate number of people already gathered at Amsterdam…

The Lessons of Life


At the beginning of 2006, Lovísa Elísabet Sigrúnardóttir was just known as the girl from Benny Crespo’s Gang. And even…

Sexism and Sloppy Journalism


In the last issue of the Reykjavík Grapevine we published an open letter from Björk, where she lambasted the music…

Circus: Últra Mega Technobandið Stefán


Few bands have caused more stir in Iceland than the teen-phenomenon that is Ultra Mega Technoband Stefan. Since 2006, the…

Emiliana Torrini: Me and Armini


Icelandic indie-folk singer Emiliana Torrini returns with her follow up to the 2005 success, Fisherman’s Woman. While this is a…

Chickenshit Happens


Iceland does not maintain an army; but since 2001, we have maintained the paramilitary Icelandic Crisis Response Unit (ICRU), an…

Reykjavik Zoo & Family Park


Being raised in a village of 200 people out in the country side has its peculiar perks. For one thing…



The most positive part of the Rauðará experience is not really the food itself, but the positively comfortable settings it…

Insititute of Higher Ranking


In 2005, Kristín Ingólfsdóttir succeeded Páll Skúlason as Rector of the University of Iceland. After a year on the job,…

Silver Rush in Siglufjörður


Those who lived it still claim it was the best time of their lives. The Great Herring Adventure of the…

“There’s no Pressure”


The hardcore punk band Gavin Portland surprised many with their debut album, Views of Distant Towns, released last year to…

Metal: Industrial Strength


Celebrating the release of their respective albums and the formation of their own record label, Molestine Records, two Reykjavík metal…



For some reason, this debut album by the Glascow three-piece Foxface ended up on my desk. It is a rather…

Public Restrooms: A Beginner’s Guide


I have recently spent some time travelling. The nature of  travel is that it  takes you out of your comfort…

A Cosy Colonial Store


Cosy is a word that gets thrown around a lot. A lot more than it should actually. But sometimes, it…

Tapas Barinn


The Tapas Bar on Vesturgata has long been one of my favourite destinations when I plan to go out, dine…



Grjóthrun is best described as authentic Icelandic folk-rock. It has never been a music genre that inspires me with pride…

Riding in Reykjavik


First off, was your decision influenced by environmental reasons or health reasons? I wanted to lose weight and get into…

The Machine is Deaf


June 17, 1944, the greatest minds in Iceland convened on the banks of Lake Þingvallavatn to declare independence. From this…



Youngsters Muck were already in full swing by the time I arrived at the tiny room on the second level…

Rizzo Pizzeria


Nothing beats a good pizza, right? OK, that’s not entirely true, but I think we can all agree that a…

From the Editor’s Chair


This turned out to be the most difficult issue of the Grapevine that I have ever worked on. As I…