Author: Oddur Sturluson

Political Activism In Iceland?
Depending on who you are, either a lot or practically nothing at all has changed in recent months. For the…

Tellier: The French Eargasm
Having high expectations is an almost sure-fire way to be let down and when I entered Rúbín for the Sebastien…

THe Kebab House
I had received both positive and negative comments about the food at The Kebab House before I visited and had…

The List
Few picks by Icelandic HighbrowsTop 5 Icelandic Films Bryndís was born in Reykjavík in 1987, and lived in Vesturbær, Akureyri…
How to Survive Móðuharðindin
On June 8, 1783, a volcanic explosion began in volcano Lakagígar in south Iceland, accompanied with earthquakes and noxious gases….

Janus & Tinna
Janus Bragi Jakobsson and Tinna Ottesen are an Icelandic couple who have gained attention recently for the experimental underwater concerts…

The List
Top 5 things IcelandicTop 5 Spots In Iceland by Lucas Quesnel Keller Lucas is currently working as a chef at…
How to Survive a Recession
As seemingly amusing as it may be that people would need rescuing from a catastrophe taking place only in their…

Mundi Vondi, fashion designer, visual artist and fairly nice guy, is most widely known for his role in the controversial…

Fear and Loathing in Reykjavík
The low-down on pubbing in the cove of smokeIn our constant quest to help you, the average consumer, we sometimes…

Icelandic Skateboard Design
Described by Mark Gonzales as a way to conquer boredom, skateboarding has saved many Icelanders from the blues, which inevitably…
Surtsey: New World Heritage Site
Surtsey, the volcanic island off the southern coast of Iceland was added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List at World Heritage…

Iceland: Home of the Per Capita Record
Living in an environment as hostile and unpredictable as Iceland can have severe effects on one’s mental stability. When a…

Icelandic Hip-hop Grows Up
At 12:30, one and a half hours later than the concert was advertised to begin, the first performer, Sesar A,…
Airwaves 2008
Contrary to rumours and speculation, Mr. Destiny has confirmed that the tenth annual Iceland Airwaves music festival will be held…
Green Banking Turns Profit
A report released earlier this month by Javelin Strategy & Research states that if every household in the USA would…

Super Mama Djombo
A week prior to the concert I received the Super Mama Djombo CD Ar Puro, and as soon as the…

City Slicker Rides Again
It’s Friday morning, around quarter past nine and me, the photographer, and an older Danish man and his wife are…