Author: Grayson Del Faro - The Reykjavik Grapevine

RECAP: Völsungasaga, The Saga Of The Völsungs


Episode three: The one with the most badass shield-maiden As usual, this story starts with some dude who is the…

The Seal Ghost Of Xmas Present: Eyrbyggja Saga RECAP


Firstly, there are some things you need to know about the Sagas. There are fuckloads of them. There are so…

But Were You Not Amazed?


When I was handed ‘The Summerland: The Deceased Describe Their Passing and Reunion in The Other World’ to review, I…

Hrafnkels Saga Freysgoða RECAP: The One With The Goddamn Horse


This Saga begins the same way Iceland did, and the same way many Sagas do: some Norwegian guy (this one…

Airwaves, Day 4: 10 Perspectives


Although Kiasmos and Kött Grá Pje were great, Bo Ningen were the ones who blew my mind, with their eccentric…

Milkywhale-Watching Tour, Day 4


My final Milkywhale report will be brief. Although I’ve tried to catalogue as many things as I’ve learned about the…

Airwaves & Chill: This Year’s Best Sex Music


Some artists, like James Blake and the Weeknd, are especially appreciated for their abilities to enhance (or maybe even initiate)…

Milkywhale – Watching Tour, Day 3


If you’ve been following my Milkywhale-watching tour (or stalking, whatever), you’d know I’ve been part of the dance parties they’ve…

Milkywhale-Watching Tour, Day 2


Today’s sighting of the ever-lovely Milkywhale was as majestic as ever. Yesterday, she managed to turn Laundromat Café into a…

The Silence Between Airwords


Silence is more than just the thing that happens at the end of a song and before the beginning of…

A Milkywhale-Watching Tour of Airwaves


Please Do Not Eat Milkywhale With much of the earth’s oceans left unexplored, we mere humans should feel lucky whenever…

Wallpoetry: A Whole New Kind Of Berlin Wall


You don’t usually find yourself pressed up against a rack of jaw-droppingly expensive down coats to watch the performance of…



I put on Lily The Kid’s EP, ‘Mainland’, early in the morning. As Lilja’s ethereal voice emerged, a housemate remarked…

Mono Lisa


Quickly following the late March release of an EP called ‘Acid Eclipse’, electronic musician Daveeth has released his first full-length…

Dancing To The Heartbeat


Hlynur Páll Pálsson discusses the Reykjavík Dance FestivalThe Reykjavík Dance Festival has changed nearly as much as the art of…

All the Feels


Emotional, by Brian Gerke and Ole Martin MelandThe lobby of Borgarleikhúsið is lit up in purple and packed with nicely…

The Legs Show


Dancer and choreographer Brian Gerke on EmotionalBrian Gerke joined the Iceland Dance Company in 2012, having been teaching at Listdansskóli…

Beyond The Blue Lagoon, Literally


DJ Margeir muses on music, mood, and meditationBy the time I make it to the top floor of the building,…

Dancers In The Dark


No Lights No Lycra starts up at KEXA funky bassline is bumping out of KEX Hostel as I walk up…

Look Into the Light, Man!


‘The Haunting of Reykjavík’ by Steinar BragiDespite its late-night silence, eerie for a city of its size, most would not…

Independence Is Not A Disaster:


Scotland Teeters On Independence And Looks NorthAfter decades of discussion on the political and economic details of a theoretically independent…

Funding Dries Up at the Library of Water


This year marks the first and only year since its opening in 2007 that VATNASAFN/LIBRARY OF WATER has been unable…