Author: Andri Snær Magnason

Making Of An Artist: Old School Techno And Kurt Vonnegut With Andri Snær Magnason
Andri Snær Magnason is one of Iceland’s best known writers. His books and plays have been published or performed in…

by Andri Snær Magnason and Sigurlaug Gísladóttir
Welcome to this, our second advent into text message reporting about Iceland Airwaves. In it, you may find words from…

Somewhere Between Worried And Cynical
Andri Snær Magnason, author, poetThe world’s mood is very strange and Iceland swings along. The post-crash era was interesting in…

Mayonnaise In Memoriam
For just a few weeks in July 2004, an enormous replica of a Gunnars Mayonnaise tub stood alongside Iceland’s national…

In The Land Of The Wild Boys
After the election, we see the old parties of economic mass destruction are coming back to power. Giving enormous promises…
Dreamland – A Self-help Manual to a Frightened Nation
The search for reality I was in a taxi the other day and the driver wanted to talk. ‘Wasn’t it…
A HANDS-FREE MODERN MAN Indridi Haraldsson was a hands-free modern man. Hands-free people had as little as possible to do…

“The opponents of the Kárahnjúkar dam use lies and untruths.” Below this heading is an open letter which is supposed…