Author: Andie Sophia Fontaine - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Iceland’s Independence Day In The Time Of Coronavirus


June 17th is Iceland’s Independence Day, and is one of the biggest celebrations in the country. This year, on account…

EU Says Iceland Cannot Call Their Feta ‘Feta’


MS Iceland Dairies (MS) will have to come up with a new name for their tart, white, cube-shaped cheese product….

Icelandic Police Are Trained To Never Use Chokeholds, But Not All Of Them Listen


The director of the education and training centre for the Icelandic police says that police are expressly trained to never…

Non-Schengen Nationals May Come To Iceland From July 1st


It’s official: nationals from outside the Schengen Area will be allowed to enter Iceland on and from July 1st, RÚV…

Who Probably Can—And Cannot—Enter Iceland On June 15th


As reported, there are a number of important points to remember if you’re planning to travel to Iceland on or…

Two Icelandic CrossFit Athletes Condemn Tweet From CrossFit Co-Founder


Two Icelandic CrossFit stars—Katrín Tanja Davíðsdóttir and Annie Mist Þórisdóttir (seen above)—have spoken out against a tweet by CrossFit co-founder…

Netflix Grants Request From Icelandic Politician To Edit Scene In ‘The Laundromat’


At long last, streaming service Netflix has granted the request of Progressive Party chair Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson and edited one…

Icelandic Nurses Vote Yes To Strike


An overwhelming majority of nurses have voted Yes to going on strike, The Icelandic Nurses’ Association has announced. Voter participation…

VIDEO: About 4,000 Attend Black Lives Matter Demonstration In Reykjavik


Some 4,000 people attended yesterday’s demonstration in solidarity with Black Americans held at Austurvöllur square in front of Iceland’s Parliament…

Icelandic MP Wants Government To Condemn Inequality In The US


Logi Einarsson (first to the left above), the chair of the Social Democratic Party, gave an impassioned speech in Parliament…

Livestream: Reykjavik’s Demonstration In Solidarity With Black Americans

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As reported, the Reykjavík Grapevine will be livestreaming today’s demonstration with Black Americans at Austurvöllur square in front of Parliament…

NATO Airmen To Go Into 4-Week Quarantine Before Patrols Begin


Italian airmen who are scheduled to conduct air patrols of Icelandic airspace in mid-June will first have to go through…

Racism Very Much Present In Iceland


An 8-month-old boy was the subject of a racist confrontation at Vesturbæjarlaug swimming pool last week, RÚV reports. The parents…

Protest Demonstration In Reykjavik Tomorrow In Solidarity With Black Americans


Some 1,200 Icelanders have, at the time of this writing, pledged their attendance at a protest demonstration to be held…

Iceland Opens Again: You Can Get Here, But How?


After weeks of uncertainty and despair, Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir announced some changes to Iceland’s travel restrictions that have been…

Ghosts On The Wind: The Eerie Beauty Of Snæfellsnes


Snæfellsnes is often touted as “Iceland in miniature,” and not for nothing—in a single day’s drive north from Reykjavík, you…

Reykjavík Newscast #5: Hurt Pride, Layoffs At Blue Lagoon And More

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Kári Stefánsson, the CEO of deCode Genetics, criticises the minister of health and called her arrogant. He has refused to…

Union Head Criticises Arrest Of Foreign Workers


Police recently arrested four foreigners at a construction site who are alleged to be working in Iceland under false pretenses,…

Design March Going Forward In June


We at the Grapevine are big fans of Design March which, as the name suggests, normally happens in March. As…

Poll: Pirates Second Largest Party; Government Support Falling


The Pirate Party continues their steady ascent, and are now the second largest party in the country, according to a…

Reminder: Numerous Coronavirus Restrictions Lifted Today


As reported, Iceland’s “state of emergency” due to the coronavirus lifts today. With it comes a number of eased restrictions…

Pagans Are The Largest Non-Christian Faith In Iceland


According to the latest data from the National Registry, members of the Ásatrú Society comprise the largest non-Christian religion in…

Bullying And Sexual Harassment Significantly Present In Iceland’s Parliament


A new survey conducted by the social sciences department of the University of Iceland of employees at Iceland’s parliament, including…

Controversial Dam Project In Westfjords Set On Ice


Hvalárvirkjun, a project involving building a series of dams in the Westfjords that has divided locals in the area for…

COVID-19 In Iceland: Five Days Of No New Cases, Questions Remain About Re-Opening


The latest data in Iceland shows that there are now only six confirmed cases of coronavirus in Iceland, and five…