Author: Andie Sophia Fontaine - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Seyðisfjörður Sausage Smuggling Stopped


Customs officials are contending with bus drivers from mainland Europe who attempt to smuggle sausages and drinks into the country.MBL reports…

Reykjavík Conservatives Polling Lower Than Ever


The latest polls for up-coming municipal elections in Reykjavík show the Independence Party polling lower than it ever has before.Vísir reports…

Warning Not To Eat Too Many Seabird Eggs


Tests done on the eggs of murres show very high levels of PCBs “and related chemicals”.RÚV reports that there are up…

Goose Dyed Blue, Owner Furious


Residents of the north Iceland village of Dalvík were angered to discover that a goose, named Goggur, was dyed blue…

Parliament Approves New Drug Policy


Parliament has approved a proposal submitted by the Pirate Party that would make a number of changes to Iceland’s existing…

Candidates Feel The Heat on Whaling

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Candidates running for mayor of Reykjavík from every political party received a loud and clear message from attendees at a…

Gnarr: Third Mayor To Finish Term In Over 30 Years


Reykjavík mayor Jón Gnarr will this month become the third mayor of Iceland’s capital to actually complete their term in…

Gnarr: Third Mayor To Finish Term In Over 30 Years


Reykjavík mayor Jón Gnarr will this month become the third mayor of Iceland’s capital to actually complete their term in…

One Year In Prison For Blackmail


A 36-year-old man has been sentenced to a year in prison for attempting to blackmail a wealthy couple in Ísafjörður…

“No One Can Be Forced To Work Overtime”


Despite a strict ban on anything resembling a strike where airline pilots are concerned, this has not stopped them from…

Meet Iceland´s New Citizens


A fresh new crop of parliamentary-approved citizens are here – including a Grapevine contributor.Vísir reports that 36 people applied for citizenship…

More Cops On Bicycles


Capital area police have pledged more cops on bicycles this summer.RÚV reports that Reykjavík police have introduced a new police bicycle…

Government Passes Law Making Airline Strike Illegal


A new law will put striking workers in violation of the law, although the law itself is not without its…

Lagarfljót Worm “Truth Committee” Needs More Time


The committee assembled to get to the bottom of the Lagarfljót Worm video mystery two years ago is still investigating.Vísir reports…

Third Of Icelanders Believe World Would Be Better With Women In Charge


About one-third of Icelanders believe the world would be a better place if women were in most positions of leadership.MBL reports…

Icelandic Goat Killed By Dragon


20 Icelandic goats took part in the filming of Game of Thrones, and their owner says they’re not as dumb…

Activists May File Charges Against Press


An activist group that focuses on asylum seeker issues may file charges against Stöð 2 with the Journalists’ Ethics Committee,…

Company With Shady Past Coming To Iceland


A company that has been involved with the Contras and the Mujahedeen is coming to Iceland to give a lecture…

Authorities Wanted To Deport Nigerian Woman, Married To Icelander


A Nigerian asylum seeker was arrested this morning, and authorities were intent on deporting her – despite the fact that…

Interest In Joining The EU Growing


An increasing number of Icelanders are showing support for joining the European Union. The poll results come at a time…

Iceland Almost The Best Place To Be A Mom


Just in time for Mother’s Day, a new report shows that Iceland is the fourth-best place to be a mom.According…

Court Rules Against Deportation


Reykjavík District Court has ruled against a decision made by the Ministry of the Interior and the Directorate of Immigration…

French Lawyer In Iceland Over PIP Case


Olivier Aumaitre, a lawyer spearheading a class action lawsuit against the manufacturers of defective breast implants, says that Icelandic women…

“Gálgahraun Nine” Awarded


The nine protestors facing charges of disobeying a police order were awarded the Nature Protector Award yesterday.DV reports that the award…

It’s Whaling Season Again


Whale hunting has begun in Iceland again, but Icelandic whale watching companies are less than pleased.MBL reports that the first minke…