From Iceland — "Nature Pass" To Be Submitted To Parliament

“Nature Pass” To Be Submitted To Parliament

Published February 27, 2014

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
Alísa Ugla Kalyanova

The Minister of Industry will soon submit to parliament a bill on a proposed “nature pass”, which would direct funds from tourists to the care and upkeep of some of Iceland’s most heavily trafficked natural wonders.

Vísir reports that the bill will be submitted in the coming days and, if passed, could go into effect as early as the summer of 2015.

The proposed “nature pass” would be sold to tourists for the purpose of raising funds to keep natural sites such as Geysir and Dettifoss in good condition. Hundreds of thousands of tourists visit Iceland every year, and those numbers continue to increase.

As reported, the alleged landowners around Geysir recently made a decision to start charging admission to the site. Government officials and The Icelandic Travel Industry Association have both objected to this idea.

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