From grimy bus caterpillar to artisanal food butterfly, plans to turn Hlemmur bus terminal on Laugavegur into a food market hall are set to go ahead.
Bus company Strætó bs. announced yesterday that Reykjavík’s main bus terminal, Hlemmur, will be shutting down operations as of January 1st to allow for the start of construction.
Meanwhile, Betri Reykjavík, who proposed turning Hlemmur into a food market similar to Copenhagen’s Torvehallerne or Seattle’s Pike Place, have confirmed on their website that the proposal has been approved.
Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson alluded to the possibility when Hlemmur first came under City Hall’s control some months ago.
If you wish to buy a bus ticket you are kindly asked to go to the 10-11 convenience store down the road or use the Strætó phone app. Those looking to buy long term bus cards can obtain them at Strætó’s office in Mjódd or arrange to have them sent to your house by post.
Additionally, as of November 1, Hlemmur will close at 19:00 pm and at 16:00 pm on weekends.
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