Published December 3, 2004


For me, there were two master sculptors – Michaelangelo and Rodin – who moved me to speechlessness. Now, through that fence, I was meeting someone who ranked with them – indeed, my list now had to read Michelangelo, whoever this was in Iceland, and Rodin.

There was a gate and it opened. Now, inside this magic garden, I met a genius who deserves to be known and appreciated by the whole world. I spent several hours in the rain, taking photos and wondering who was this Einar Jonsson and why was he such a secret to me and to those I knew. Later, I found a brochure at Sunna and discovered there was a museum. I did not get to go but knew I would be back.

Once home, I printed copies of my pictures and sent them to those I knew would be awed by them. Everyone was asking the same question: Why isn’t he world famous? Every artist friend has been moved to either words of extravagant praise at the majesty and mystery in his work or speechlessness. Thus I was not the only one who thought something must be done to make Jonsson available to the world and the first step was to acquire all the material that I could on him and his art. I am not a person of wealth but would go without food to own anything with his work in it. I bought Myndir I and Myndir II and the book on him published in 1954 in Stockholm, all of these found on the Internet.

In November, I returned to Reykjavik, just for the weekend so that I could go to the museum. My friend, Sachio, and I had decided to create a website to introduce Einar Jonsson to the world, so we had to begin our research by seeing the museum. While there we bought books and post-cards and met two of the most charming women acting as Guards – Helga and Gudrun. They were very helpful and as sad as we were that more people did not know of Jonsson.

At Kolaportid, I managed to buy 2 books by Einar Jonsson, his opinions and his memories. They are, of course, in Icelandic. So I am writing this to ask if there are those of you in Iceland who would help translate at least his book on his opinions – it is 223 pages long. The more people who are willing, the less each will have to do. don’t believe you can refuse this heartfelt request for assistance to make the genius of Einar Jonsson known and respected all around the world. My e-mail is I am returning to the sculpture garden in January – I know the museum is not open, but I know how much I will enjoy walking among his works again.

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