this day in icelandic history — The Reykjavik Grapevine %

Democracy in Action: In your face protestors!


On Austurvöllur, right next to the campaign office of the Independence Party, the Friends of Iceland had orchestrated a big…

To Weep Loudly


A friend of mine was a huge fan of Superman comics when he was a kid. However, he was taken…

Sour Grapes


Hello, Regarding your undated article in (REVERSING HISTORY, an interview with Salmann Timini, chairman of the Icelandic Muslim Association),…

We’re the Party that Cares for Old People AND Babies


There is considerable anticipation regarding the upcoming elections in Reykjavík. Going into the election, it looks as if the Independent…

Welcome To My Nightmare


The book is called Draumlandið: Sjálfshjálparbók handa hræddri þjóð, or The Dreamland: A Self Help Book For A Frightened Nation….

Those People Aren’t That Simple


Morgunblaðið journalist Halla Gunnarsdóttir originally intended to be a primary school teacher, but went to Morgunblaðið in 2003 because she…

No Tears Over These Lost Jobs


I have only been on one military base in my life, and when I tell my war-protesting friends about that…

Save the Water!


You may have heard of the new water laws that clogged parliament with filibustering and heated debate for days on…

The Ghost Town on the Coast


On March 15th, the US State Department made an announcement that brought a decades-long chapter in Icelandic history to a…

The Foreign Monkeys Will Definitely Be the Next Arctic Monkeys


The results are in, the facts are solid and the bands have been consigned to their fates. The Foreign Monkeys,…

At the Kings’ Feet in Memphis


In Tupelo, Mississippi, for $14, you can enter Elvis Aaron Presley’s birthplace and get a personal guided tour from a…

Going the Way of Styx


Not too long ago, a movement known as “progressive rock” began. Starting from the margins of music culture, bands such…

Lost and Found in the Devil’s Country


“We support our troops. We support our troops. Buy American. We support our troops. Tie a yellow ribbon.” Jesus Christ,…

No Old Ladies in Dubuque, Please


The feature of this issue is a lengthy interview with Vigdís Grímsdóttir, a cherished Icelandic writer rarely presented to foreigners….

“Female Writers Were Weird”


Though few foreigners know about her, Vigdís Grímsdóttir is one of the most prominent and prolific contemporary writers of Iceland….



Television personality and Akranes native Sigrún Ósk Kristjánsdóttir once described her home town as “a postage stamp.” While this town…

Radical Theory, 30 Kilos at a Time


Sigurður Harðarson, aka Siggi Punk, is a man on a mission. If he weren’t an anarchist, you might even call…

The Moss Revolution


The concert and political movement of January 7th probably won’t be remembered by the date alone, as we have suggested on our…

Taking the Concert of the Decade to Task


The parking lots were packed, the lines were long and security was tight. A foreigner was busy scalping tickets by…

The Most Complete Laugavegur Store Review Ever


{Red Green}A Sporty lifestyle wear for both sexes from the Danish Red Green label. Scandinavian influences are apparent with wool…

Grapeivne has Bad Taste


Over three months in 2005, the Grapevine, with the help of Bad Taste Record Shop, Gallery Lobster and Fame, Bar…