dagur b eggertsson — The Reykjavik Grapevine %

Hlemmur Bus Terminal To Become Food Market


From grimy bus caterpillar to artisanal food butterfly, plans to turn Hlemmur bus terminal on Laugavegur into a food market hall…

City Wants Greater Part Of Tourist Revenue


The City of Reykjavík wants to be able to either create their own “tourist tax” or receive a part of…

Pool Admission Prices Raised


The admission price for an adult to the capital’s pools has gone from 650 ISK to 900 ISK, and the…

What Happened With Reykjavík’s Ill-Fated Proposal To Ban Purchases From Israel


Last week, an outgoing Reykjavík City Councilperson for the Social Democrats, Björk Vilhelmsdottir, submitted a proposal to City Council that…

You’re Welcome: An Update On Refugee Affairs


Over the past month, we’ve seen the biggest U-turn in Iceland’s foreign policy in recent history. Always hesitant to accept…

City Hall Has Heated Meeting Over Israel Proposal


The proposal to ban products from Israel is officially dead, but not before a heated and often emotional debate took…

Parliamentary Opposition Submits Their Own Proposal On Israeli Products


A parliamentary proposal has just been submitted which calls on the government to label products imported from occupied Palestinian territories….

Israeli Goods Boycott To Be Revised


Reykjavík Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson has announced the proposal boycotting Israeli products will be rescinded and revised. Dagur said that…

Reykjavík’s Boycott Of Israeli Products Met With Harsh Criticism


Within 48 hours of the boycott’s approval, Reykjavík city council has been met with criticism and threats of legal action….

Is Iceland’s Government Not Particularly Interested In Answering Grapevine’s Questions?


No, they’re not. But their Press Secretary was kind enough to write a short statement regarding the topic we went…

Reykjavík Will Boycott Goods From Israel


Yesterday, Reykjavík City Hall passed a proposal to boycott goods from Israel, raising questions about feasibility and consistency. RÚV reports…

So What’s This I Keep Hearing About Icelanders Welcoming Refugees Into Their Homes?


Recently, over a thousand Icelanders took to Facebook to pledge their help to those fleeing Syria, with participants vowing to…

“We Have To Do This Together”: Mayor Dagur B. On Acceepting “Hundreds” Of Refugees


In the light of Icelanders’ recent groundswell in favour of accepting more Syrian refugees, Reykjavík’s mayor, Dagur B. Eggertsson, was…

Reykjavík Mayor: City Ready To Take “Hundreds” Of Refugees


Reykjavík mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson says the city is ready to accept “hundreds” of refugees, and urges the national government…

Taking Pride In The Past And Future


The annual Reykjavík Pride is almost upon us, and there is a lot to look forward to. In addition to…

Mayor Accepts Wheelchair Challenge


In response to a wheelchair-bound Icelander’s challenge, Reykjavík mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson will attempt to navigate downtown in a wheelchair…

New Tour Bus Rules In Effect Soon


A broad consensus has been reached between the city, tour companies and the police to bar all tour buses from…

New Rules On Tour Buses In The Works


What were once voluntarily guidelines will soon become binding rules when it comes to tour buses in downtown Reykjavík. MBL…

Committee: Reykjavík’s Domestic Airport Should Maybe Move To Lava Fields By Hafnarfjörður


A steering committee has found Hvassahraun to be the most cost-effective site for the domestic airport serving the greater-Reykjavík area,…

Prime Minister Booed By Thousands At Independence Day Celebrations


Thousands attended yesterday’s Independence Day protests, and the Prime Minister was given quite a reception. As can be seen and…

Hlemmur The Food Market?


As Reykjavík takes control of downtown bus station Hlemmur, the mayor speculates that it could take the form of a…