volcano — The Reykjavik Grapevine %

South Shore Adventure: Chasing Waterfalls


Although the Golden Circle tour may include the most popular places of interest with Gullfoss, Þingvellir and the geysers, there…

The Northland: One Reporter’s Adventure At The Top Of The World


Letting Go in Mývatn There’s really only one thing to say upon driving or hiking through Mývatn – Wow. No…

The Book of Non-Icelanders


Journalist and author Colleen Kinder recently visited Iceland to interview American expats for a book projects she is working on….

How to Survive Móðuharðindin


On June 8, 1783, a volcanic explosion began in volcano Lakagígar in south Iceland, accompanied with earthquakes and noxious gases….

Europe’s Largest National Park Established


On June 7, after years of preparations, Vatnajökull National Park was formally founded. The park is Europe’s largest national park…

The View From the Top


Despite its name, Iceland is not all that icy. In fact, you’ll have to go through some trouble for a…

A Different Kind of Country Music – Part Two


Waking up to a hangover, a stuffed-up nose, and a soundtrack of pattering rain, this was one of those mornings…

Round and Round Around Route 1


The last time I came to Iceland, in 2006, I drove the 1,339 km Ring Road in 27 hours. My…

Fighting Hypothermia at Iceland’s Highest Peak


The following minutes passed slowly, staring through the mist at the snow mantle that stretched ahead, my knees firmly dug…

The Lonesome Traveller: Delusional at Last


“Well, of course it’ll be difficult!” Fabrizio stretches his hand out to the cigarette pack and appears nervous, as the…

Selection From the Sweets Shop


When the editor summoned me and told me to explore the field of Icelandic candy, I thought it would a…

Thorvaldsen’s Bar


Located on Austurstræti, in downtown Reykjavík, Thorvaldsen’s Bar is a hip bistro and bar with a relaxed feel. The restaurant…

A Thrill Like No Other


On a sunny Friday afternoon in May, the Grapevine staff parked in front of a small hut by the roots…

A Day Trip to the South Coast: Mt. Hekla


On the way back to the capital a short detour up to Mt. Hekla comes highly recommended. This dignified and…

A Day Trip to Snæfellsnes Peninsula


Snæfellsjökull Glacier Distance from Reykjavík: ca. 19km Snæfellsjökull glacier, a 1,446-metre high volcano on the western part of the Snæfellsnes…

Recent Books about Iceland


The Ice Museum: In Search of the Lost Land of Thule By Joanna Kavenna. The Ice Museum is a kind…

Exploring the Þingvellir Lava Fields From the Inside Out


It is still pitch dark outside at nine in the morning when my photographer and I meet up with our…

Beware: Polar Bear May Bite


I had never been on cruise ship in my life before I spent three weeks last summer giving lectures on…

The Beatle Manifesto


Introduction in which the narrator reminds of his existence A spectre is haunting the streets of the world, the spectre…

The Lonesome Traveller: Hornstrandir


Tourist-tailored representations of the country – so focused as they are in selling glaciers, hot springs and volcanoes – often…

A Northern Take on Carnival, Without the Religion


Feel like going on a road trip and listening to pop bands play in front of gregariously drunk locals celebrating…