volcano — The Reykjavik Grapevine %

12 Hours On The Snæfellsnes Peninsula


For the short-term visitor and overworked resident, deciding how to spend the limited free time you have available can be…

An Astronaut In Iceland


One of the last men to walk on the moon is currently in Iceland, and amongst his plans is to…

Volcano Near Reykjavík “Cannot be Ruled Out”


Increased seismic activity at the site of an undersea faultline could be an indication of an impending volcano. The Icelandic…

VIDEO: múm Take On Turkey’s Ancient Storm Gods!


Recently, the Icelandic indie pop band múm were invited to play a mysterious new festival among the cave dwellings and…

Lonely Planet: Akureyri Best Place To Visit In Europe


In a new top ten list of European destinations to visit this summer, Iceland’s “capital of the north” came out…

OMG! #GVpics! The Week’s Best Iceland Instagrams


Wow! Can you believe that a week passed since the last #GVpics winner was announced? Time is FLYING round here….

From Cannes To The Westfjords, And Back: We Chat With Grímur Hákonarson, the director of ‘Rams’


I first met Grímur Hákonarson in 2012 at Skjaldborg, a documentary festival in the Westfjords. I was reporting on the…

Weekly #GVpics: The 10 Best Iceland Instagrams


We had a nice visit yesterday from Julia, the winner of last week’s #GVpics Instagram competition, who dropped by with…

Gone Skying: Helicopter Tours Are A High-Flying Treat


There’s something about the position of Reykjavík’s city centre—perched on a hill, with the sea and mountains on all sides—that…

Every Icelandic Hotdog Condiment Combination, Rated — Part 2; With Analysis!

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Welcome back. If you are just joining us on this treatise on taste, read the first part of our review…

Holuhraun Has Stopped Erupting, But Is It Still Dangerous?


The Holuhraun eruption finally ended on February 27 of this year after six months, leaving behind a lava field that…

So What’re These Badly Behaved Seafood Companies I Keep Hearing About?


Along with tourism, seafood is the biggest industry in Iceland. For many towns along the coast, it is the reason…

Bláfjöll: Below The Lava Field


We drove past the lava fields on a gloomy day. It had rained in the morning and the green moss…

The Grapevine Interns Highlight What’s Happening This Weekend

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The time in Reykjavík is passing so fast. We all are almost at the end of our internship. Nevertheless we…

PHOTOS: In Reykjanes, A Short Journey Into The Earth


Absolute darkness surrounds us. You can’t even see your hands—and you hear nothing but your own breathing. We stand there…

Iceland Volcano Eruption Polluted More Than EU Combined


The combined SO2 emissions for all EU member states during the six month Holuhraun eruption comprised only a quarter of…

Bad Weather Saved Iceland From Volcano Pollution


Iceland’s harsh winter may have saved the country from the more serious side effects of the six month Holuhraun eruption,…

Under The Ice: Beneath Vatnajökull Lies A Photographer’s Paradise


Seeing a glacier for the first time is a memorable experience. As the southern ring road from Reykjavík gently loops…

We Met The Men Responsible For The Grumpiest Finn


Grumpy old men seem to be all the rage in the Nordics these days. The Swedes have their 100-year-old who…

Icelandair Staff Adopt Passenger’s Puppies


Icelandair’s staff in Seattle have adopted four puppies who were unexpectedly born to Pepper the sled dog while in transit…

Sour Grapes & Stuff: Issue 3, 2015


Say your piece, voice your opinion, send your letters to: letters@grapevine.is The Loveliest Letter! To the editor of the REYKJAVIC…