missing in iceland — The Reykjavik Grapevine %

“That’s Not Arrogance; It’s Ambition”


“I love the amount of personal space you get here, and the good company. They don’t let just anybody in…

Political Change through Celebration


Most of the year, Gay, Lesbian and Transgender people are invisible to the population at large in Iceland. The Grapevine…

How to Lose Your Mind in One Week


Insanity comes in many forms. A sudden catastrophic event can turn an otherwise normal person into a drooling vegetable. Sometimes,…

Quantum Leap: We Did it Sam, We Saved Homoerotic Icelandic Rock!!


I had seen Icelandic rock icons HAM 15 years ago at Fellahellir. I thought they looked like freaks (guess they…

Almost Infamous


“I guess Frank, the guitarist, got too drunk and he passed out onstage and he landed on me. I thought…



Sjávarkjallarinn roughly translates to “the sea cellar”, but don’t let the name fool you – this isn’t a hangout for…

Why I Love Press Conferences


We had a lot of very important people in Iceland earlier this month. On 8 June, the 6th Annual Baltic…

Sour Grapes


Hi Bart, Your website is really interesting and to be honest allowed my brain to survive up in the highlands…

Kingdom of the Frown


Kenny “CK” Lee sits next to us, munching on a bratwurst. He is all of five feet, round, in his…

Going the Way of Styx


Not too long ago, a movement known as “progressive rock” began. Starting from the margins of music culture, bands such…

Changes to Grassroots


This year, not only the intention behind the exhibition, but the whole organization will be different, thanks to the new…

A Little Trip to Heaven


When is an Icelandic film not an Icelandic film? That is the most important question raised by A Little Trip…



Welcome to Mexican Cuisine 101. Today’s lesson: How to Make Authentic Mexican Cooking Popular in Iceland. Case Study: Culiacan restaurant,…

Mr. Destiny


Grapevine: (To Egill, whose band Vinyl will perform at Airwaves) Is Destiny destroying your band? When do you have time…

Toni & Guy


“When you enter a Toni & Guy in the US, it’s just another trendy hairdresser,” a friend told me before…



Hey Bart – I’m rather new to the Grapevine as an Icelandic friend just introduced it to me the other…

Molehills Out of Mountains


There are press conferences you want to be at because you know something historical will be revealed, something that will…

Live Music Review:Innipúkinn


Cat Power A phenomenal singer-songwriter whose minimalist compositions have sometimes painfully great depth, Chan Marshall was not in good form…

Cheap Way to Work or a Big Damn Hassle?


The sun is already high in the sky as I board the number S2 bus at Hlemmur, just after 8am….

Death Hikes, Berserker Lava Fields, Hag Mountains and Desolated Islands:


We have three different maps in the car, each with circles and notes from Icelanders suggesting different spots in Snæfellsnes…



The last issue of the Grapevine was our most popular issue in the three-year history of the paper, by far….