word of the issue — The Reykjavik Grapevine %

A Is For Anarchy


“I don’t like being interviewed,” said Njáll with a sceptical air about his furrowed brow. Shit, I thought. This isn’t…

Wording of EU Proposal Will Change


Minister of Foreign Affairs Össur Skarphéðinsson told RÚV that the wording of a proposal for a vote and referendum on…

David Lynch Answers Grapevine Questions On TM


As you probably know by now, Grapevine cover-star (and awesome director) David Lynch ventured to Iceland this month to preach…

Stuff We Like!


So our new issue is out. And we think it’s pretty damn good. It has pretty much everything in there…

Iceland’s New Government: What Happens Next?


The elections are over, and the result pretty much the entire world expected came to be. But what will this…

It’s Election Day! And We’ll Be Live-Blogging As Ballot Results Come In – UPDATED 06:48


UPDATE 6:48 RÚV is reporting that there’s a problem in the Southeast district, where dozens (up to a hundred) votes…

Denial and Ignorance


Not long ago, the word anarchism was almost meaningless in Icelandic. It hardly existed. But now it seems that it…

The Left Green Movement


The Left Green Movement – In Their Own Words The Left-Green Movement seeks to promote radical social improvements for the…

The Alliance Party


The Alliance Party – In Their Own Words: The Alliance Party is Iceland’s social-democratic party, a representative of the political…

The Citizen Movement


The Citizen Movement – In Their Own Words: One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that…

L For Icelandic Autonomy


(NOTE: As of 4 April, L-listinn has withdrawn their candidacy from this year’s elections. Part of the reason was that…

The Independence Party


The Indipendence Party – In Their Own Words The Independence Party is the biggest mass movement in Iceland. Registered members…

The Progressive Party


The Progressive Party – In Their Own Words. The Progressive Party is a liberal socialist party constantly working for societal…

Change to Central Bank Law Passed


A bill changing the law with regards to the Central Bank is expected to made into law today, at which…

Article on Presidential Couple Causes Controversy


An article published in Condé Nast’s Portfolio depicts President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson and his wife Dorrit Moussaief arguing mildly about…

What is the significance of Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir…


It is very significant. It is interesting to note how much attention it has received from the international media, while…

Sour Grapes Issue 01 2009


I was privileged enough to have the opportunity  to spend summer 06 and 07 in Iceland, together with my wife…

Stuff We Like!


This year’s first Grapevine issue is finally out, on the streets and on-line. And it is a pretty fine read,…

A Journey Without a Determined Destination


Bringing art out of the galleries“We are interested in the phenomenon of screen-tests. It is an interesting blend of acting…

Machiavellian Disaster / Satanic Circus


Earlier this month, the good people of Reykjavík got to witness the swearing in of their fourth Mayor in just…

Whose Data is it Anyway?


Government institutions and other public organisations gather a lot of data. Some of them – like the Statistics Office –…