dagur b eggertsson — The Reykjavik Grapevine %

Final Results from City Elections


The final results of Reykjavík city elections are in. Of a possible 15 seats on city council, Jón Gnarr’s Best…

Grapevine’s Fancy Eurovision Liveblog! UPDATE 22:20


17:00… I´m not a religious man but the verse Proverbs 26:11 states. “As a dog returns to its vomit, so…

Grapevine’s Super-Duper Professional Municipal Election Liveblog! FINAL NUMBERS


15:28: The final results of Reykjavík city elections are in. Of a possible 15 seats on city council, Jón Gnarr’s…

Social Dems Not Excited About Partnership with Conservatives


Social Democrat mayoral contender Dagur B. Eggertsson isn’t exactly thrilled about the prospect of forming a coalition with the Independence…

Your Guide to Reykjavík Municipal Elections 2010

by and

Us at the Grapevine love the city of Reykjavík. It is surely our favourite city. We believe it is one…

Interview with Einar Skúlason


Why should the average Reykjavík voter choose your party? What does it offer that the other parties do not, in…

Interview With Dagur B. Eggertsson


Why should the average Reykjavík voter choose your party? What does it offer that the other parties do not, in…

Most Want Current Mayor to Stay On


Most Reykjavík residents want current mayor Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir to remain mayor, but her support is dropping, while support for…

Poll: More Want Social-Dems for Mayorship Than Conservatives


According to a new Capacent poll, more people want Social Democrat city councilman Dagur B. Eggertsson to be mayor of…

Golf Course Hotly Debated in City Hall


The proposed funding of the expansion of a golf course has created a heated – but unsurprising – debate in…

Blame Canada?


One by one men in suits of varying shades of grey approached the podium in the pit of the Reykjavík…

The Alliance Party


The Alliance Party – In Their Own Words: The Alliance Party is Iceland’s social-democratic party, a representative of the political…

Election Fever Continues


With less than a month until elections, Conservatives and Social Democrats – who held their primaries this weekend – look…

Machiavellian Disaster / Satanic Circus


Earlier this month, the good people of Reykjavík got to witness the swearing in of their fourth Mayor in just…

102 Reykjavík:


Vatnsmýri – An Introduction Vatnsmýri is a 150 hectare area which is currently occupied by the Reykjavík domestic Airport. Located…

City Hall: Theatre of the Absurd


All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of reason and justice must be keenly aware how small…

Sour Grape


Hi Grapevine Just wanted to send you few lines to tell you how much me and my husband love your…

The Exit’s Over There, Friend


“Here, give me that,” said a baseball cap-wearing man to a friend of his, who was drinking water out of…

We’re the Party that Cares for Old People AND Babies


There is considerable anticipation regarding the upcoming elections in Reykjavík. Going into the election, it looks as if the Independent…

Mayoral Candidates for Reykjavík


Independence Party Vilhjálmur Þ. Vilhjálmsson Current position: Independence Party leader for City Council, board member of Reykjavík City Harbour, board…

Wake-Up Call


On January 7th, a number of musicians of great stature dedicated their time and reputations to saving Iceland’s highlands and…