From Iceland — Word On The Street: Election Reflection

Word On The Street: Election Reflection

Published December 26, 2024

Word On The Street: Election Reflection
Photo by
Joana Fontinha for The Reykjavík Grapevine

The Grapevine took to the streets in search of political hot takes

Svanhildur, 23

I think the results were good and it’s obvious that the country is ready for a change — that’s the most obvious thing. I think [Kristrún Frostadóttir’s mandate] gives us the best possibility to make a change.

Harry, 48

I spoke with my mom about who I should vote for. She used to be in politics with the Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn (Independence Party) when it was the conservative party, the party of small government — not so much just about taking care of the rich. Now there’s the party Viðreisn (the Liberal Reform Party), which is more pro-EU. She believes that since the crisis it would be good for Iceland to have more regulatory authority rather than under these five or six families that own everything. That’s who she told me to vote for, which I didn’t.

But I think a party that wants to join the EU would be good for us. I mean, look at the króna always going up and down, being manipulated.

On the Social Democratic Alliance’s mandate: Give them a chance!

The 30 other people we asked

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