Author: Steindór Grétar Jónsson - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Surf Vampires Of Doom: Godchilla Is Fuzzy, Dirty & Loud


The Batcat, Nosferadude and The Glampire King take to the streets in the newest music video from surf-sludge doom metal…

Fever Dream: No Acceptance Needed


“I want people to be afraid of me,” proclaims Vigdís Ósk Howser Harðardóttir, the feminist rapper and poet known as…

‘Figure’ Skating: Vök Test The Waters


What does a dream-pop band from Hafnarfjörður do to celebrate the release of their new album? “We went rollerblading!” says…

That Glowie Sound


Less than two years since the release of her debut single “No More,” Icelandic pop sensation Glowie is set to…

MYRKFÆLNI: Iceland’s Underground Music Reaches The Surface


The word “myrkfælni” translates as “fear of darkness”—apropos for the tension-filled music presented by MYRKFÆLNI, a new underground music organisation…

Sound Fanatic: The Musical World of Hildur Guðnadóttir


To Hildur Guðnadóttir, film scores are more than background noise. The Berlin-based cellist and composer is set to score her…

The Dream Wife Never Existed


“Thank you so much to whoever pissed these girls off,” reads the top YouTube comment on Dream Wife’s “FUU” video….

Mozart In Slow-Mo: Valgeir Sigurðsson’s ‘Dissonance’


The opening strings on Icelandic composer, producer and performer Valgeir Sigurðsson’s new album ‘Dissonance’ feel poised and collected, almost glacial…

Hermigervill: T-Minus Fifteen Minutes To Burnout


“Do you know the song ‘One Note Samba?’ This track is called ‘Brown Note Samba,’” says Sveinbjörn Thorarensen, known professionally…

Sound And Vision: The Graphic Electronica of Án


“I used to think everything sucked if it wasn’t rock,” admits Án, known to his friends and family as Elvar…

Sónar Preview: Synth Auteurs And Feminist Rap


This year’s edition of the Sónar Reykjavík festival features some high-profile international headliners, from Ben Klock and Fatboy Slim to…

Grime Star Giggs Takes Centre Stage At Sónar Reykjavík


With five weeks to go before the Sónar hits downtown Reykjavík, the festival has announced that award winning UK grime…

Track Of The Issue: ‘You’ by Spítali


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] Download the track here! The tight-knit Reykjavík music scene allows for some serious…