Author: - The Reykjavik Grapevine

The Clash Of Simplicity

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Ever since the global economic meltdown, a vitriolic tide of populism has arisen around the world to ensnare and beguile…

Moral Stewards

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Professor Hannes H. Gissurarson wrote a piece in the Grapevine on July 2, arguing the case for sustainable whaling. He…

Pour Out Thy Wrath


“The compulsory transfer of the Arabs from the valleys of the proposed Jewish state could give us something which we…

I Am Curious (Yellow)


I recall reading an interesting tale from an old, crusty book a couple of years ago.  The author was an…

The Silver Spoon Revolution


After the events of the past few days, it is hard not to think of Goya’s painting of Saturn Devouring…

Big Business vs. Icelandic


Last month, the board of Reykjavík Energy, a publicly owned company that supplies Reykjavík citizens with energy, accepted a merger…

One Little Nigger


“We never [were] niggers, that is a word used to describe our own wretchedness. And we perpetuate it now.”(1) Who…

Awakening the Couch Potatoes


In retrospect Iceland has never lacked activism, and many prideful moments of Icelandic history are examples of social disobedience. In…

Fight for Your Right to Party: Fight Club


Political discourse is the same universal language, full of silly fights and childish talk, just like an enormous kiddie sandbox….

“Translating” the “News”


Here in Iceland there is a phenomenon called ‘gúrkutíð’, which if translated directly from Icelandic means ‘cucumber season’. Every summer…

A Peter Parker Conforms: “The Truth Is Out There?”


A great philosopher once said in a rather cryptic manner that nothing changes; one could say that our naked, tame…

My Opinion


A French poet once wrote “A gray city, sad as a tombstone with chrysanthemums”. To be honest, these words might…

Down and Out in Alcoa(Alcan)land!


At the time of this writing, I have just witnessed a weekend of utter beauty. My enthusiasm for the solstice…

How Not to be Icelandic


There are few things more exhilarating than visiting a foreign country for the first time, that liberating spark of childlike…

L’Étranger in downtown Reykjavík: “Waiting In Line Is For Pussies”


Ever since I was a child here in Iceland, I have been a silent spectator of my own “strangeness”. Due…

To be Green or not to be Green


I remember when being Green, or whatever it is called nowadays, was generally referred to as being: an environmentalist, a…

Be my Valentine “Lost”


One of the worst things you can go through is an anti-climax, because it is important enough to make you…

The Fisherman’s Burden – too many fish in the sea?


After reading a recent Liberal Party advertisement in the papers, shockingly not a joke despite being printed on the first…

No Love for Porn!


One of Iceland’s main selling points has always been “purity”, a trait on which Icelandair has capitalized with the tantalizing…