Author: Eiríkur Örn Norðdahl

I recently saw a Norwegian sketch on Youtube about the invention of the book. A medieval man has just gotten…

I’ll Have What He’s Having
Are you tired of writing your own damn poems? Does it feel like you’d rather plunge through the fiery gates…

Poetics anonymous
I became a poet for more or less the same reason everybody else did: I’m lazy and I wanted to…

Award This!
A few years ago the Icelandic poetry world was rocked by a tectonic scandal that nobody noticed for weeks (and…

To The Death!
As I may have mentioned before, poetry was (in Iceland) once considered a gift from God, the misuse of which…
Warning: You don´t need poetry
Anyone that gets a rudimentary education in the Western world, or at least in the places I know anything about,…
Hay-grinder of the greenpeace-kitten earth-channels of the desert-asphalt sugar-free beach-found transparent salt-Coke
When modernism in poetry shocked its way through Europe in the beginning of the last century, people’s main concern was…

Icelandic Art Makes Me Feel Nothing at All
They tell me that Iceland, and in particular Reykjavík, is too small an environment to foster a critical arts debate,…

God Makes Poets Go Bonkers
Not much is known about 17th century poet Þorbjörn Þórðarsson or his life, even his identity and name are up…