Author: Andie Sophia Fontaine - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Icelander Taken Off Interpol’s Wanted List


An Icelander wanted by Interpol has been taken off the list, as the police have given him a chance to…

Finance Minister Very Unhappy With Politician Personality Traits Poll


Minister of Finance Bjarni Benediktsson lambasted a recent poll on how the general public perceives the personality traits of different…

House Cats Attacking The Beloved Plover


A beloved bird species Icelanders associate with the coming of spring – the plover – is being targeted by capital…

Poll On Politicians’ Personality Traits Revealed


A new poll from Market and Media Research reveals a lot about the personality traits voters attribute to different politicians….

Whale Watching To Support Nepal


A local whale watching company is offering special prices for their tours, with all proceeds going to support relief efforts…

City Hall Minority Objects To Closing Laugavegur


The opposition parties of Reykjavík City Hall contend five months is far too long to close Laugavegur from car traffic….

Geyser Dyer Says He Will Challenge Fee In Court


Marco Evarist­ti, the artist who dumped red dye into the geyser Strokkur last week, says he is now going to…

GRECO Criticises Iceland: Taking Too Long To Fight Corruption


The Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO) earlier this month released their fourth evaluation of how Iceland is responding to…

More Large Unions Joining Strike


About 56,000 additional workers may strike next month, as management continues to resist worker demands for better pay and better…

Ten Charged With Hate Speech Towards LGBT Community


LGBT rights group Samtökin ’78 has filed charges of hate speech against 10 individuals, for comments they made about gay…

Former Interior Minister: “Should Have Resigned” Sooner


Former Minister of the Interior Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir has returned to parliament, after being away since last November, when she…

Basque Now Free To Visit Westfjords Without Being Murdered


Visitors to Iceland from Basque country can rest easy knowing a medieval pronouncement to kill all Basque in the Westfjords…

Icelander Wanted By Interpol


An Icelander has once again made it into Interpol’s wanted fugitives list, and this time not for economic crimes. RÚV…

Artist Who Dyed Geyser Refuses To Pay Fine, Leaves Country


The artist who made headlines dyeing the geyser Strokkur pink will not pay the fine he was issued, and has…

MP To Make Millions Off Fishing Bill


The wife of a Progressive MP stands to make millions from a bill her husband is partially responsible for crafting….

Artist Dumps Red Dye In Geyser


Tourists greeted with the sight of Strokkur erupting in a bright pink colour have apparently seen the latest work by…

Unemployment Continues Yearly Decline


Unemployment in Iceland for the month of March is now at 4%, down by over 2% from this time last…

It’s Birch-Tappin’ Time


That time of year is upon us again: when Icelandic birch trees will be tapped for the delicious and purportedly…

Icelandic MPs Want To Extend Rescue Ship Loan To Mediterranean


Some of Iceland’s MPs want to extend the country’s loan of a ship to the rescue effort in the Mediterranean….

First Day Of “Summer” Is Here


Today marks “the First Day of Summer” in Iceland, and the cold temperatures today promise warmer temperatures during Actual Summer….

Young Social Dems Launch #OccupySaga


In response to repeated statements of intolerance from radio station Útvarp Saga, the Young Social Democrats have proposed a day…

Tax Money Used To Assess Feasibility Of Suing Journalists


The Interior Ministry paid a private law firm 860,000 ISK to assess the feasibility of suing journalists writing about the…

Cops Want More Guns, Again


Iceland’s police force is making another attempt to acquire machine guns, despite widespread public opposition the last time they tried….

Workers Overwhelmingly Approve General Strike


Some 10,000 workers will go on strike for an increase in the minimum wage, as nearly 95% of them approved…

The “Nature Pass” Is Dead


The long-contested and controversial “Nature Pass” has died in parliament, of natural causes. Vísir reports that the bill will not…