Save all documents as Microsoft Word document files. (.doc). Use 12 pt Times New Roman font. Left Justified. Spell check set on English (UK). Files submitted in the newfangled ‘.docX’ format (or, indeed, in any other format) are not accepted and will be ceremoniously ignored.
All additional info – pull-quotes, info box and the like – should be placed at the beginning of the article’s document.
Every article should be sent in with a by line with the author’s name written as the author intends it to be spelled.
Use spell check. Every time.
Only one space goes after periods.
Punctuation marks (periods, commas, etc.) should appear outside quotation marks.
Use Bold in case of an interview to identify the Grapevine question, and to identify the name of the respondent. Movie titles, book titles, and song titles are not set off, except that the first letter of each word in a title is capitalized (including the words “in”, “and”, “or” etc.)
More basic formatting
Each submitted article should bear its own unique headline, and an introductory paragraph.
Every article, no matter the length, should have a unique headline & sub-headline. Any article 500 words or more should also have paragraph headlines.
Paragraphs should not exceed five sentences.
Compile appropriate info for “info box” (web-sites, addresses, phone numbers).
Suggest a pull-quote for articles exceeding 300 words.
Quote correctly. If an interview takes place in a second language for the subject (or if you are translating, say, from Icelandic), they can be allowed to see the quotes before they go in print. They can NOT see the ARTICLE, however (unless special circumstances call for it, in which case you should consult your editor).
Also, subjects must be made aware that only language concerns may be corrected. If the subject has second thoughts about offending someone, that is not our fault – if you have the quotes on tape, and you feel they are essential to the story, you may run the quotes WITH a comment explaining that you are running it AGAINST the subjects wishes (realize that Iceland is a small country, and the subject will probably injure you at a later place and time if you do this).