From Iceland — United Silicon Plant Releases More Toxic Emissions - VIDEOS

United Silicon Plant Releases More Toxic Emissions – VIDEOS

Published January 4, 2017

Andie Sophia Fontaine
Photo by
Marek Ślusarczyk/Wikimedia Commons

Videos taken by workers within the United Silicon plant shows tremendous amounts of toxic emissions being released into the air under cover of night, mere weeks after it came to light that people in the area have been poisoned by these emissions before.

Sources close to Stundin sent the following videos to the publication. The company has insisted that last November’s incident, that sent numerous people in the plant’s vicinity to the health clinic with chemical burns, was a fluke. However, Stundin’s source contends that the release of toxic emissions is done “repeatedly”, and always at night.

(Toxic emissions being released at the United Silicon plant.)

These pollutants contain PAH and B(a)P, both of which are highly toxic and carcinogenic. Not only are people in the vicinity of the plant exposed to these chemicals; workers at the plant have to endure them as well, as can be seen. The worker who sent the video added that the medical room within the plant is badly short of supplies, comparing it to a “triage in a war zone”.

(Video taken inside the plant itself.)

While RÚV reports that United Silicon told the Environmental Agency of Iceland that the first video actually shows the release of microsilica that had clogged the smoke filtration system, it should be noted that microsilica is nonetheless an irritant that can cause burning and irritation when exposed to the eyes and respiratory system. In some cases, microsilica may also contain crystalline silica, a known carcinogen.

Further, United Silicon’s contentions of this being a one-off occasion contradict the testimony of the worker within the plant who sent the videos.

Townspeople have been deeply unhappy with the plant for some time now, with dozens complaining of chemcial burns to the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. María Magnúsdóttir, a nurse who first brought the matter to greater public attention, told reporters that the plant ought to be closed altogether.

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