From Iceland — More breaking(-ish) news!

More breaking(-ish) news!

Published April 1, 2010

More breaking(-ish) news!
Photo by
Julia Staples

Volcanologist James Ashworth -  2dfedda0f5748ae.jpgAt about 19:00 last night a new fissure opened up at the Fimmvörðuháls eruption. Current information is that it’s about 300-400 metres long, north-northwest from and pretty close to the first fissure. There is still no sub-glacial activity on Eyjafjallajökull so there’s currently no real risk of a jökulhlaup (glacier outburst flood) at this point. My guess is that this has something to do with the activity I last reported. Fire fountaining activity at both is pretty vigorous right now. More information as I get it!
Also I’m guessing this will mean that the trails will be closed, for a while at least, especially the one from Þórsmörk. Please don’t go up there until they reopen it, because a new fissure could mean new dangers and a lot of unknowns.

As for the first fissure, myself and lovely Grapevine photographer Julia Staples took a trip up there for Grapevine on Tuesday night (a trouser-browningly terrifying journey on snowmobiles from the good people at, no less) and got some spectacular sights and photos. My thanks go to Iceland Rovers and for an excellent trip, to the Grapevine for getting us there, and to Mother Nature for putting on such an unbelievable show.

ANYWAY, enjoy these photos while you wait for more on the new developments! And more photos. We have it all.

Eruption Report #1
Eruption Report #2
Eruption Report #3
Eruption Report #4
Eruption Report #5
Eruption Report #6
Eruption Report #7

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